Welcome to us

The founder, Owner and the CEO of TrwthRadio. Of Nigeria-America background with both my parents from a small Village called Itaogbolu in Ondo State. I am from the Universe but was born in Lagos, Nigeria. I moved to the United States at age 14. I reside in Dallas, Texas.

Our Vision

To provide programs and services that inform, educate, enlighten, and enrich the public and informs civil discuss essential to the America Society and the rest of the world.

Why Tr"W"th?

Trwth Radio pronounce Truth is an American-based radio station in the state of Texas. My first name Wale called for short has the iconic W. The W is me and stands for Trwth. The W in Wale provides the point of Parity and integration.

Don't believe everything you hear,
real eyes, realize, real lies.


Have you ever peacefully walked down, and your own gorilla looking brother starts making fun of his own roots, but can’t see the gorilla in himself?

Adewale Akomolafe


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