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Are You Guys Ready For Anger Syndrome?

You might want to take some anger management class before I drop the Atomic bomb. Should I? Hmmmmm!!!! 5, 4, 3, 2 and Go!!!!! An hidden pretentious small nation in Europe called France! France!! and France!!! hmmm!!!! You are less worthy than a pinch of salt poured on a worm. Have you thought your citizens the root success of your national wealth? I said, have you shared to the world the incentiveness of your evil deeds towards these “inferior” African nations? You are so poor that you can’t even afford to pay attention, but your superiority and your military has greatly multiply your gain and resources by re-colonizing these African nations with the forcefully signing of contract for re-colonization.

You promise and gave them independence but on the other hand, colonize them. What a “justly” contract of violation against human right. You are such a good devil. As the Writer and the Author of this article, from a Spiritual standpoint, I understand the basics or the root cause of such cruel and evil actions against Africa. You’ve destabilized the growth of these countries and trap them under siege. Historically, you made them deposit 70-80 percent of their bank reserves into the French central bank. Out of your viscous mercy, You create this loan policy where these countries can only borrow/access up to 20 percent of their Money based on what these countries deposited a year before as commissioned interest rates; if approved by submitting their national financial statements. The only difference in our today’s era is this percentage has been lowered between 50-60 percent of forced national transaction into the France Federal Reserve Bank. In other words, these nations have a credit with France but in reality, they still owe them. This is the perfect definition of a dark evil soul in a flesh cloth.

What a cursed Nation. This continuous slavery has been going on for decades and the U.N has kept a deaf dears or blind eyes against this evil relationship between France and these African Countries. 14 African countries are given raw cold cash over 500 billion dollars every year to France. I’m not done. They invest this money in its own stock market. Let me drop another bomb. Do you know that every 14 billion dollars the 14 countries in Africa gives to France, their invested profit currently is over 200 billion dollars. Do you know that? THIS IS THE VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHT. Let me know take you back to HISTORY. I’m not surprise why History is not taught in this kingdom. Don’t come at me with the filtered corrupted edited version. I don’t see a reason why truth must be told in their classrooms.

1st. Hmmmm!!! Pay attention to this to bring out Historic Facts. Are you aware that Sékou Touré of Guinea Finally decided back in 1958 to get out of French colonial empire for the dependency for his country independence, the French colonial deep state in Paris got so furious that the French administration in Guinea destroyed everything in the country which represented what they called the benefits from French colonization? Of about three thousand French left the country, taking all their property and destroying anything that which could not be moved: schools, nurseries, public administration, buildings were crumbled; cars, books, medicine, research institute instruments, tractors were crushed and sabotaged; horses, cows in the farms were killed, and food in warehouses were burnt or poisoned. Did you tell these things to your citizens Mr. France? Did you? This was a blatant message to other African countries that will be non-compliance against the French elite. It creates fear through the African elite, and none after the Guinea events ever developed the courage to follow the example of Sékou Touré, whose slogan was “We prefer freedom in poverty to opulence in slavery.”

2nd is Sylvanus Olympio, the Very first president of the Republic of Togo. A small country in West Africa that found a mutual solution with the French. He was tired with the colonization and wanted to stop his country from the brutal unjust deals and influence by the French; therefore he refused to sign the colonization continuation pact De Gaule the France proposed, but agree to pay an annual debt to France for the so called benefits Togo got from French colonization. However, the amount estimated proposal by France was so big that the reimbursement of the so called “colonial debt” was close to 40% of the country budget in 1963 which destabilize the newly independent small country called Togo. The financial burden of this newly independent Togo was very unstable that for financial freedom against their oppressors, Olympio decided to get out the French colonial money FCFA (the franc for French African colonies), and issue the county own currency.

On January 13, 1963, three days after he started printing his country own currency, a squad of illiterate soldiers backed by France killed the first elected president of newly independent country. Olympio was killed by an ex French Foreign Legionnaire army sergeant called Etienne Gnassingbe who supposedly received a bounty of $612 from the local French embassy to kill the president.

3rd is Modiba Keita. On June, the first president of the Republic of Mali, decided to withdraw and separate his nation from the french colonial currency FCFA. For the Malian president, who was leaning more to a socialist economy, it was clear that colonization continuation path was a burden to his economic development. On November 19, 1968, Keita was a victim of a coup carried out by another ex-French Foreign legionnaire, the Lieutenant Moussa Traoré.

4th is another Coup was carried out by an ex French foreign legionnaire in January 1st 1966 against David Dacko who happens to be the first president of the Central African Republic.

5th was Maurice Yaméogo, the first President of the Republic of Upper Volta, now called Burkina Faso, was victim of a coup carried by Aboubacar Sangoulé Lamizana on January 3, 1966. an ex French legionnaire who fought with French troops in Indonesia and Algeria against these countries independence.

6th. On 26 October 1972, Mathieu Kérékou who was a security guard to President Hubert Maga, the first President of the Republic of Benin, carried a coup against the president, after he attended French military schools from 1968 to 1970.

Do you see a Ruthless Patterns in the Assassinations of ex-presidents by the French?

During the last 50 years of this elite Countries independence, a total number of 67 coups have occurred in 26 countries African countries. 16 of those countries are French ex-colonies.

These are Number of Coups which have been carried out in these African Countries by Ex-French colonies:
COUNTRY                                           NUMBER OF COUP

Tunisia                                                   1
Congo                                                    3
Madagascar                                         1
Guinea                                                   1
Guinea Bissau                                      2
Egypt                                                     1
Togo                                                       1
Libya                                                     1
Cote D’ivoire                                         1
Algeria                                                   2
Nigeria                                                   3
Ethiopia                                                 3
Mali                                                        2
Uganda                                                  4
Sudan                                                    5
Burundi                                                 4
Niger                                                       4
Burkina Faso                                        5
Mauritania                                            4
Comoros                                               5

As these numbers demonstrate, France is quite desperate and still active to keep a strong hold on his colonies whatever the cost, no matter what. Re-colonization is the source of their wealth.
Currently and actively, 14 African countries are obliged by France, through a colonial reformation, to put 85% of their foreign reserve into France central bank under French minister of Finance control. Until now, 2019, Togo and other 13 other African countries still have to pay colonial debt to France. What insanity. These are the un-ethical codes of conduct rendered by France on African leaders who are killed or victim of coup if they refuse to obey and comply. Visit these Victimize African Countries and their economy. France has milk them dry till the last drop and rendered them in advert poverty.

It’s such an evil system even denounced by the European Union, but France is not ready to move from that colonial system which puts about 500 billion dollars from Africa to its treasury year in year out. These Demons still have the decency to criticize the African government, calling Africa a continent of poor infrastructure, poor economic growth, Lack of human resources, poor governance and ultimately subject them to poverty.

We often Criticize African leaders of corruption and serving western nations interests instead, but there is a clear explanation for such behavior; at least one reason they behave so because they are afraid they will be killed or be a victim of a coup. They want a powerful nation to back them in case of aggression, trouble or war. But, contrary to a friendly nation protection, the western protection is often offered in exchange of these leaders renouncing to serve their own people or nations’ interests.

Below are the 11 main components of the Colonization continuation pact since 1950s:

#1.  Infrastructure Colonial debt to France

the newly “independent” countries should pay for the infrastructure built by France in the country during colonization.
The amount details and terms/policy of payment imposed on these African countries is unknown.

#2. Depositing of national reserves
these African Nations should deposit their national monetary reserves into France Central bank.

France has been receiving monetary funds from these 14 African countries since 1961: Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.

“The monetary policy governing such a diverse aggregation of countries is uncomplicated because it is, in fact, operated Under the terms of the agreement which set up these banks and the CFA the Central Bank of each African country is obliged to keep at least 65% of its foreign exchange reserves in an “operations account” held at the French Treasury, as well as another 20% to cover financial liabilities.

The earnings of the investment of these funds in the French Treasury pool are supposed to be added to the pool but no accounting is given to either the banks or the countries of the details of any such changes. The limited group of high officials in the French Treasury who have knowledge of the amounts in the “operations accounts”, where these funds are invested; whether there is a profit on these investments; are prohibited from disclosing any of this information to the CFA banks
It’s now estimated that France is holding close to 500 billion African countries money in its treasury, and would do anything to fight or kill anyone who want to shed a light on this dark side of the old empire.

#3. These African countries don’t have access to that money.
France allows them to access only 15% of the money in any given year. If they need more than that, they have to collect loan from their own 65% that was paid in the French Treasury at commercial rates.

To make matters worse, France impose a cap on the amount of money these countries could borrow from the reserve. The cap is fixed at 20% of their public revenue in the preceding year. If the countries need to borrow more than 20% of their own money, France has a veto.

 #4Right of first refusal on any raw or natural resource discovered in any of the country

France has the first right to buy or reject any of natural resources found in the land of its ex-colonies. These African countries can only seek other partners after the rejection of France first. From massively extorting and milking these African countries raw resources, France still has the right of first refusal. What a hard pill to swallow. I rather die if I was a president than to watch these bullies control my country’s wealth and its future. The word “Colonization” sounds weak and pleasant to the ears. It has robbed off the true direct effectiveness of its nature. I call it word semantics to deprive or hide the true nature of one’s actions. Point of correction; I don’t call it Colonization, I call it “Obituary”. They are murderers and a thief who has no soul and has denounced the freedom independence of these African nations for financial freedom.

#5. Priority to French interests and companies in public procurement and public biding
in the award of government contracts, French companies must be considered first, and only after that these countries could look elsewhere. It doesn’t matter if the African countries can obtain better value for money elsewhere.

As consequence, in many of the French ex-colonies, all the majors’ economical assets of the countries are in the hand of French expatriates. In Côte d’Ivoire, for example, French companies own and control all the major utilities such as water, electricity, telephone, transport, ports and major banks. The same in commerce, construction and agriculture. I mean, they just won’t leave. They have invaded these poor countries whose government and its military forces are weak to fight against their enemies. Chinese is gradually climbing up the ladder. These White folks are sick, deceitful, conniving and subtle. The poverty of the mind has literally taken Africa as a ransom by these Devils called the western countries.

#6. Right to supply military equipment’s/Weapons and Train these countries military officers

Through a sophisticated scheme of scholarships, grants, and “Defense Agreements” attached to the Colonial and defenseless Pact, the Africans should send their senior military officers for training in France or French ran-training facilities.

The situation on the continent now is that France has trained hundreds, even thousands of TRAITORS, nourish and discipline them to be dormant when they are not needed, and activated when needed for a coup or any other purpose to carry out their mission against any African leaders who refuse to comply.

#7. France pre-deploying troops and  intervene military in the country to defend its interests

A contract called “Defense Agreements” attached to the Colonial Pact, France had the legal right to intervene militarily in the African countries, and also to station troops permanently in bases and military facilities in those
countries which are run entirely by the French.
Just as when President Laurent Gbagbo of Côte d’Ivoire tried to end the French exploitation of the country, France organized a coup. During the long process to oust Gbagbo, France tanks, helicopter gunships and Special Forces intervened directly in the conflict, fired on civilians and killed many.
To add insult to injury, France estimated that the French business community had lost several millions of dollars when in the rush to leave Abidjan in 2006 the French Army massacred 65 unarmed civilians and wounded 1,200 others.

#8. Obligation to make French the official language of the country and the language for education

A French language and culture dissemination organization has been created called “Francophonie” with several satellites and affiliates organizations supervised by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs.

#9. Renunciation to enter into military alliance with any other country unless authorized by France

African countries in general are the ones with will less regional military alliances. Most of the countries have only military alliances with their ex-colonizers! (Funny, but you can’t do better!).

In the case France ex-colonies, France forbids them to seek other military alliance except the one it offered them.

#10. Obligation to ally with France in situation of war or global crisis

Over one million African’s soldiers fought for the defeat of Nazism and fascism during the Second World War.

Their contribution is often ignored or minimized, but when you think that it took only 6 weeks for Germany to defeat France in 1940, France knows that Africans could be useful for fighting for la “Grandeur de la France” in the future.

There is something almost psychopathic in the relation of France with Africa.

First, France is severely looting, exploitation and taking advantage of Africa since the time of slavery.

Finally, France has 2 institutions which are completely frozen into the past, inhabited by paranoid and psychopath which are the Minister of Finance, Budget of France and the Minister of Foreign affairs of France.

These 2 institutions are not only a threat to Africa, but to the French themselves.

 How can less than 500 French soldiers in Côte d’Ivoire could control a population of 20 million people? Let that Marinate.


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