Medical Institution, What an institution!!! Trust me on that. They are full of it big time. The World is gone medically. For me to trust the Medical world, I have to trust the world government. Scoff!!! You know what I mean. They are the biggest gangsters and mobsters. Ask me why? They’ve robbed your souls, and the souls of your children with Laws and Orders. I’m pissed off at the World especially the citizens. Don’t you read about the days of your fathers? Any history book will protect you from these vipers called the “powers that be”. Examine our parent’s life or the ways of life during their era. What can you say concerning such? Comment below, I want to engage the readers/audience because it is my responsibility to do so. I refuse to write and let the audience figure it out like we are in wonderland. I see Why Wisdom is a principle thing with the gathering of knowledge. Blacks of slave descents travel to Africa, in which Middle East is part of it. Don’t be fooled by the vicious system. You know where the habitation of devils resides? Comment below. This is my classroom and I guarantee you spiritual awakening.
This is Adewale and I approve this message. I despise the healing practices/philosophies of the western medical world; I call it death. It’s too civilized and technological. They had made it so complicated to deceive many. What can you say to those that had never been admitted to the hospital before? What about those that had never taken drugs of any kind? What advise do you have for them huh? Now, it’s time to release my arrow from the bow. Hear me out now. Why can’t you comprehend spirituality and understand that your kids are innocent? Why are you destroying the Almighty’s Creation? I’m not drunk, half asleep or stupid. Don’t insult my intelligence just yet, at least wait till the end of this article/blog. At age 5, you decide to kill your child brain cells, weaken his body fluids that make them active. What are your concerns against these active kids? They are Hyperactive? They seem to have challenges paying attention? They’ve turn deaf ears when giving them commands? They are been destructive? They can’t stand still? Is these enough reason to castrate their natural state of being? What is your thought process when you see 15 kids excluding your child; some are super hyper, some are average and some are gentle? These innocent kids came from heaven, if you have a problem with their behaviors or how they are designed; you need answers from the Creator not the Medical System according to your country medical system. If you are an atheist, pray to your soul for answers; Good luck. By the way, I’m talking about ADHD. Yes, that non-existence word that the scavengers preyed on for profit. Who are the primary victims? Comment below!
Oh! America, You create monster words to ignite fear into the minds of your citizens and turn them to bye products. You’ve exhibited monstrous elemental cunning tactics to weaken your citizen’s state of mind and being.
ADHD became existence around 1980,” but before that, it was called ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). Ask yourself this mysterious question, why the sudden “H” in 1987 for hyperactivity was added to ADHD, he added? I guess who ever came up with ADD didn’t put the puzzles together properly. This is what happen when you invariably add ingredient into the seasoned when the food you cooking doesn’t satisfy your taste. Lol You keeps adding.
ADHD is born by the brains, minds and hands of White folks. They are very proud of their newbornbadass baby named ADHD. What a horrible tasteless word. If you love truth, follow me. Money! Money!! Money!!! How can you make large some of money if you don’t invent a word that provides money for you? I’m talking about Hyperactive. Do you know that word opened up the door that allowed for nearly every child to be diagnosed to prescribe medication, because previously it was attention deficit disorder, once they added the word hyper, it opened up the opportunity for medication.” but significantly, Money in huge large some in this. How can a kid be diagnosed with mental disorder? I want a highly experienced physician or whoever is qualified to answer this question. I’ll tell you what; denial is a symptom to mental illness. Hold that phrase and lock it up in your mind. Get your backpack and lunch because it’s learning time. Are you aware that ADD came as war against black men? Around this time is when the Wizardry of a system increase the rate numbers of black men going to prison which left the Mothers raising the child with the absence of the Father. During these years, When a Child without the presence of his father is singly raised and disciplined by his mother at pre- puberty age upward; it causes emotional dysfunctionality to the child. This is what happens when the Child goes to school looking for attention, especially the boys because he lacks it at home. Now ADHD is born, as the child will be labeled as one. This is where the government steps in to play their role. What is their role again? Capitalism, superiority, enforcement and policing.Who’s great at this? America. One of the dumbest government by default. They can’t admit the cause is due to fatherlessness, so they made a disease out of it, so they came up with ADD. 1987, ADD became ADHD. This is for a fact, the reason the FDA, which are funded by the same buffoon of a government came up with ADHD is because there is no drug that can make the boys pay attention. Drugs can neutralize hyperness as you guys are familiar with their names such as Ritalinetc. They calms the body but can never makes you pay attention. No drugs can ever make you pay attention. It’s an elemental distraction that can never be fixed by any man. The soul just won’t take the bull crap teachings in these classrooms. Now, this is for the parents. Why give him the drug if it yields no result of the boys paying attention? Why are you surprise/disappointed of his woefully results in school. This is endangerment to the child natural being. My own parents will hear it from me if I was the victim. It’s going to be war in the house. Who want’s to listen to a white teacher in class as a fucking Negro when my mind has traveled to something worthy of greatness. Even the black teachers are no difference to the whites. Brainwashed properly dressed black sisters too. In fact, they are worst. Why? White folks created the medical structure while black females are the one’s that manage the white medical structure. I’ll leave it as that.
Why is it that 85 percent of black boys that are drugs don’t have a father? When I mean drug, I mean the legal drugs that you can courageously swallow when you get pulled over by a cop, you can furthermore show him the drugs with a happy face. I heard Ritalin is Addictive as crack, is that true? Comment below!!
This is what parents agreed on to allow the white power medical structure to dictate medically what goes in your children body. Interesting!!
For the parents, you and I know the natural behavior of the boys, you and I also know the excessive energy the boys exhibit, not paying attention in classrooms, and also at home, can’t sit still and so on is normal behavior for kids.
“They’re fueling the diagnosis. They also fund significantly the American Physiological and the American Psychiatric Association. So a lot of this is about money, it’s not about treatment.”
How many hospitals and qualified clinics exist in a school compound? Comment below!!! What medical rights do you have to diagnosis ADHD in the school premises? So why so many boys are being put in special ed for ADHD? “One of the special ed classifications is known as ‘other health impairment’ because psychiatry is a branch of medicine; if you can diagnosis by the doctor with ADHD, and the parent brings the paperwork to school, they can now special educate you.” Look at their error, in most cases, the evaluating psychologist “never observes the child in the environment where the complaints are being made” but rather dismiss or omit the crucial steps before concluding. This is just common sense but we can rest assure that common sense is actually not common. This is just medically insane. Both parents and the teachers are you aware that it is illegal for the teachers to diagnose your children for heaven’s sake. So why allow a profession that specialize in teaching students in classrooms in various subjects diagnosing your child(ren) with ADHD? Why! Why!! Why!!!. Are you also aware that these evil drugs companies also fund significantly the American Physiological and the American Psychiatric Association? So a lot of this is about money, it’s not about treatment.” that’s right, you heard me. It’s all about money. Know and understand this figure that over eighty percent of boys diagnosed with ADHD don’t have their father in their life.” This is not just the black boys but also all boys of any race. Recite that again and understand that your children are at war with their government, especially here in the western world. This is the true mental disorder when children lack their fathers in their life; it affects their behavior, social influence, mental health, disciplinary actions, etc. You know the rest. Let me tell you a brutal truth, “It’s not about mental health, It’s about the breakdown of the family, significantly, black families which makes sense of the percentage breakdown of each race with the highest number of children been diagnosed with ADHD.
I see why Education is very essential, crucially to carry out healthy and Natural ways of living in our lives and in the lives of the children. Parents, why have you resigned your fundamental rights to these ungodly systems? These are the children from heaven, why destroyed all angles of their existence to better suit your purpose and the normalcy of your society? Stand up and take initiative on the welfare direction of your children’s lives. Understand that the behavior of your children as I had listed in the body of this letter is normal. They are just been kids. You should expect that. Majority why these kids are attention seekers is because their Mothers have singlely handed them, while the fathers are absent in their lives, which is a trap to destroy all fatherhood figures in the homes. Be Vigilant and also ask for wisdom to discern righteously in thisWizardry of the western system. Do not be a victim of their spells. You are the god of your children with supreme divine power to guide and protect them from these munching sucking bloody empires. No one/entity/body should have any rights to dictate causes and effects medically or enforce mandatory choices to dictate the future of your children.
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