Can we all agree that the most pleasurable/Exciting activity a Man can ever involve himself with is SEX? All reasonable Natural Man on this planet loves sex. This is not a debate or my speculations, this is the Ultimate truth. Mind you, Truth cannot be validated by ignorance. We all should thank the creator for that. If the Almighty deprived SEX away from us, we will literally kill ourselves lol.

I don’t know how much of a person’s soul is actually exchanged through sex; I’m just using fractions to illustrate the reality of sex and fornication/Adultery according to Truth. I mean Holy Scriptures.

As a virgin, let’s say I’m 100% me. If I have sex with Aurelien, now I’ve given her 10% of me/soul/existence. I’m still a whole human being, physically, but my soul is made up of 10% Aurelien and 90% me. My soul isn’t whole because 10% of me has been given to Aurelien So, I have 10% of Aurelien’s mind, will and emotions (in whatever condition they may be in). The more I have sex with aurelien, the more of her emotions will I gain, will and mind and vice versa. Old married couples think alike for this reason. I will suggest you ponder on this for a second. If you a couple and you reading this, Am I lying or not. In other Word, Isn’t it?

So now, I’m 90% me and 10%  aurelien. Assuming aurelien was a virgin too, put that into your spirit. If Aurelien weren’t a virgin, I would get a portion of Aurelien and a portion of David (Aurelien other “boyfriend” hypothetically speaking). Now I’ve got 5% Aurelien and 5% David soul in me. Now, if I have sex with more women, you do the math. Can you see the problem with fornication/adultery?

We Belong Together

Sex was made for humanity who will genuinely stay together until death. What a highest part of Spirituality. Now, you see why the Man of War Constantly warns his people and the rest of Man kind to stay away from fornicating/Adulterous acts? He’s simply looking out for you. The soul was designed to join and remain with one person. Each time a break-up occurs (because people seldom marry and stay with every partner they had sex with), it fractures the soul of both lovers, leaving them in spiritual pain (whether they admit it or not). Again, truth cannot be validated by ignorance. The pain is real and the soul is actually damaged. Let’s just face the fact. Listen to all the love songs about how fornicators feel when their “lovers” leave. Real People feel like this after a break-up not robots. Again, real people. Please ponder on this for a Minute. Although, they feel this way, they don’t really understand that a part of their soul was actually removed. This is the actual science/spiritual process of fornicating/Fucking with multiple partners.

God created sex to join people together, and only for people who are committed to staying together by marriage. Sex builds intimacy and a longing to be close to the other because, only together, can both souls be whole. Because of promiscuity and fornication, people walk the earth wounded and fragmented inside; they truly have “lost themselves”. Sad. But the Almighty never intended for that to be.

Hardening the soul

Fornication is also dangerous because you could be hooked up to a really terrible/Wounded person who mistreats you. Apart from their abusive ways, the sexual union you both share can be used to strengthen the control they want over you. The control works long after sexual activity, because, once again, they put their mind, will and emotions inside you. You can see examples of this in society where a wife won’t leave an abusive husband, or a man who can’t stop chasing women, even though he sees the damage they’re doing to his wallet and image. If you ever heard someone call a man “pussy-whipped” this is the reasoning behind it.

Some men (sadly) are married to whores/prostitutes, and they know it, but can’t seem to leave them, or put their foot down about their behavior. It’s a spirit that they can’t seize of it. It cannot be stopped by physical manifestation. They just keep taking the abuse. That whore has his mind. She can cheat on him constantly, and that poor, manipulated, beat down man will just accept her lies, continue with her subtle mischievous ways, and will never save his soul by simply leaving her.


As I learned about sexual control, I asked myself a question: Why is it that some people fall victim to being controlled by another through sex, yet the other person doesn’t? Both have exchanged a portion of their minds, wills and emotions. Shouldn’t both be able to control each other?


The answer is: The hardening of the soul, specifically, the emotions and the conscience of one’s person is more callous than the other.


A player who preys/feast on women has cut off his emotions and conscience preventing him from getting “caught up” “in love” with the women he’s using. In other words, he has no soul. They can’t control his mind with the thought of love and togetherness in unification because he cares nothing for these things anymore. That’s a wounded brother whose soul is of stone.


The young virgin woman, on the other hand, hasn’t cut off her emotions yet, she’s still naive to the whole “game”, her soul is still open to love, happiness and a lasting relationship (something the player will take advantage of), therefore she can be manipulated or fall victim of. It works the same in reverse. Whoever has the hardest soul won’t fall for the game and be taken advantage of.


The hardening of the soul comes from damage done through fornication. In the player’s case, he lost his ability to “feel” after his “first love” turned out to be a whore who was having sex with his best friend or other examples as we all can relate to such; especially the Men and every other boy on the blocks. Now the player does the same to women. Next, that young girl, after losing her virginity to that player that doesn’t reciprocate the love in return begins to harden her soul and gradually change her perception towards Men. The pain incurred leads to burying her emotions and conscience deep inside. Initially, she says to herself, “I’ve been hurt, but If I can just find that true love, this can overwrite the pain and make it all go away”, but it doesn’t. She just runs into another guy who does the “hit and quit” or “run” again.


The more fornication is practiced, the more the soul is fractured/Wounded. The more fractures in the soul, the more pain and then the callouses are formed. This is the hardening of the soul. It’s like, if you keep scraping your elbow against a rough surface, soon the skin will thicken in the form of a black callous, and the pain won’t be felt as much. This is what people are doing to their souls in ignorant.

The angry, wounded woman

After the callouses form, many people give up on the possibility of a life of love and happiness. They begin to think or feel that true love doesn’t exist. This is my simple sense. Many young women, now, just use sex to control men and get what they want from them. And likewise, the men, use women simply to gratify their insatiable lust and build their pride and Lordship over other Wicked Men as they compete with themselves over the counts of Virginia/Pussies they’ve slept with. This is terribly insane and Madness. Neither gender cares for the other anymore. In fact, they hate one another, which is a fact. #foodforthought While women of the Almighty and true Spiritually have to steer clear of doggish men, this article series is directed at men of God. I want to include some more wisdom from Solomon found in New King James Version: Ecclesiastes 7:26

And I find more bitter than death The woman whose heart is snares and nets, Whose hands are fetters. He who pleases God shall escape from her, But the sinner shall be trapped by her. In simplest breakdown, here is what I discovered: A bad woman is worse than death. She is a trap, reaching out with body and soul to catch you. But if you obey the heavenly father, you can escape the quickest way of death. If you don’t obey, your life will be cut short.

There are many angry women out there that have been wounded through fornication; they hate all men because of this. They hate their boyfriends who didn’t love them. They hate their fathers for not loving them, being absent, and for not protecting them from doggish men. So many men have mistreated them that they now seek revenge. These women have become hateful, resentful, and beast-like. In the streets, they call women “bitches” (female dogs), in all colors and race. The insides of these women are in shreds and tares, they have lost all morality, femininity and humanity. What a shame!!! Look at what the devil has done to these women through the subtlility unspiritual soul of a dogfish men. Pstuahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! That’s the sound of my saliva.

You, as a man of the heavenly Father falls victim to these venomous creatures as you endure these promiscuity/Poisinous/Bittered/Wounded Women that carry these traits but it doesn’t matter because, in their eyes, all men are evil. You have become the enemy that must be crushed. So, you will discover that when you encounter them, you’ll be slighted, belittled, and lied about even though you did nothing wrong Or, instead of mistreatment, these spiders will flatter you with kind words. These pretty, shapely women will smile and entice you to have sex with her. She’ll pretend to adore you, but in all reality, she hates you. Just know that she’s trying to victimize you, control your mind, and destroy your soul; and if she could get away with physical murder, she would do that too. Hmm!!! This is Wisdom. Tap into it humanity. She hates all men. The devil has formed the perfect tool to kill you – a wounded, angry, sexy woman, who uses her body and soul to destroy. They’re out there. Many of them are in the church. Many are on the streets. Be warned. Guard your thoughts and obey Christ!

Other people’s problems

The soul also houses sin and give room for demons. So, through fornication, you’re more inclined to break this universal law from the Mouth of the Heavenly Father, and contract the same demons your partners have. This is why the Almighty commanded Israel not to join with the foreign/Strange women. All the surrounding nations served false gods. With all false gods, there are demons behind them. #foodforthought


Those foreign women had joined their souls to these unclean spirits through worship. Therefore, to get involved with those foreign women would lead to the same. If you read and understand any part of the old covenant that emphasize of marrying strange unclean women, you’ll see the results of the Israel’s rebellion. Demons are whole beings (corrupted personalities), not fragments of a soul. It’s enough to deal with your own demons, but to deal with someone else’s, along with their fragmented soul, becomes a huge problem which can eventually ultimately shattered your life on earth. You are a Walking corpse.

So you can see why fornication is detrimental and why marrying the right person is highly important. Infact, it will be the most important decision of your life as it dictates either you live or die. You can also understand why tie Almighty says not to have sex with animals. Who wants to have a portion of the mind, will, and emotions of a beast in them? All you white folks, this is a direct message to you because somewhere in your head, you’ve chosen to see and treat animals as humans, which mostly have sex with them. Join ourselves to that one person the heavenly Father has for us, and be joined with Yahushua in which the whole World called Jesus the Christ through obedience. To join with any other group of people, outside of the Holy Father through his Son will bring serious consequences.

The physical side of sex.

We all know what goes on here: body fluids are exchanged and semen is transferred. The problem with fornication is that every person’s body is different, and through sexual contact, unique organisms meet. The body has to handle this encounter and adapt and/or destroy these different organisms. Too many encounters with too many different people, and the body get overwhelmed and will be invaded with different spirits. Man’s semen shouldn’t be in another man’s body and a human shouldn’t have intercourse with an animal. That’s a taboo. The body’s response to this is, “Woe, what the hell is going on!” . Understand the body is like a car engine, if it’s filled with strange oil or substance, its react with strange noise, which is where symptoms are born. That engine will never remain the same. The body wasn’t made to join with multiple people, the same sex, and especially animals. It’s kind of like this: if you drink sewage water, you’ll get sick. The body can only accept clean water. Polluted water will cause a sickness because it wasn’t intended for the body. Fornication is like drinking polluted water; the soul and body’s natural response will be infection and sickness.


This is Adewale and I rest my CASE!!!!

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