Satan often goes after the rejected, the isolated, and the minority to use for his wicked purposes. He always has which is deeper than just Skin Colors but rather Hatred towards his brother Jacob even in the midst of Strangers/Heathen.
The white elites slowly gained control and power with the help of Satan. The white elitists weapon is mainly witchcraft (deception and manipulation), which has, influence other Families/Race of the earth for the purpose of control and domination over the Biblical Hebrew Israelites. Later on, the idea of white supremacy was entered into science, social and religious teachings as normalcy. Examples can be found in Darwinism, among the early teachings of the Mormons, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, early Popes of Catholicism, the Talmudic writings of the Ashkenazi Zionist Jews and other religions.
White supremacy continues to be propagated throughout the media 24/7/365. White supremacy affects all areas of life. Whites and non-whites view themselves in certain ways because they believe the propaganda from the racist elite owners of the media and from what they were taught from their upbringing.
The Aryan Nations (Divine Truth Ministries), the Ku Klux Klan, and other “Christian”, or non-Christian “hate” groups are all branches of a big white poisonous tree. You could eliminate these groups tomorrow and white supremacy would still exist. These groups are just local, overt expressions of the global system and they’re allowed to operate by the system of white supremacy as a scapegoat. With overt racist groups like the KKK making trouble and occasionally being convicted, we’re tricked into believing that they, and people like them, are what racism is all about. We can isolate them and point our fingers at them, and from time to time, rejoice at justice being served for their crimes. This is what the system of white supremacy wants. You’re not pointing at the root, you’re pointing at the branches. All the while covert racism continues to operate nothing has really changed and their control of the world remains in tact. While bigotry does exist in the world, if you believe racism is the same thing, then the system of white supremacy has deceived you.
Many honest black men believe that if they get an education and work hard enough, they can have a piece of the American Pie. The black man goes to school and gets more degrees than a thermometer, yet he can’t seem to land his dream career. He’s totally qualified and experienced, but he keeps being told, “we found a better fit.” Then he finally gets it. His excitement doesn’t last too long as he now works twice as hard for half the pay.
He’s frustrated with his work because he doesn’t get the proper tools or support to perform his duties. He’s marginalized and unrecognized for his efforts. On top of all that, his white coworkers make stereotypical comments about his race, ask him demeaning questions, and imply that he only got the job because of Affirmative Action. Overall, he doesn’t get any respect.
Unbeknownst to him, black men, especially in corporate America, are usually the last to be hired and the first to be fired. If he protests about the treatment on the job, he may be fired because he’s not really a core asset and so it’s either shut-up and take it, or leave.
He suffers in silence, and then he quits with the idea that things will be better elsewhere. He moves from one job to another expecting better treatment and pay from white folks but he doesn’t get what he’s striving for. Perhaps if he moves the family to another state, or another country, things would be better? Most likely not. Ask the non-white people in other countries, how the white people are treating them.
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