Some use it out of rebellion to the tailored speech of the elite, some out of not knowing any other “sanitized” word to describe their situation, and some of out of explicit communication. Vulgarity has and will always be the most explicit (which means: to-the-point, exact) communication there is.

When a person mistakenly slams their head on a low ceiling, what do most exclaim? That base, simple, and one syllable word they know expresses the pain they’re experiencing at that moment. That is just common language; there is nothing sinful about it.


This demonization of certain words and those who use them is just the beginning. Beyond that, this snobbery expands into a whole new style of language kind of like Jamaican Patwah (Patois) it sounds like English but not readily understood.
This new language is indirect; watered-down an implicit way of communication that often times requires interpretation. It’s full of insinuation and double talk. You find this language among lawyers, politicians, salesmen, in contracts, corporate environments, those who consider themselves “higher” and lukewarm preachers.

I’m not saying people of the Most High should start using certain words that most people find offensive to get their points across more clearly, I’m just saying that this evasive, convoluted, sugar-coated, indirect style of language is not of God and how we should communicate. If you read the bible, the Lord is always clear, direct and to the point. We should be the same. Paul said:

Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech (2 Cor 3:12).

It is the devil who insinuates and who hides behind layers of complex wording. Why? Because the devil is a liar, Conniving and a deceiver. Notice what lawyers, politicians, salesmen and lukewarm preachers all have in common: Merely all of them are liars using Word Semantics to Cover up their Lies.

If you ever see Joel Osteen attempt to answer a direct question about God’s view of homosexuality, you’ll see this kind of language in action watered down, sugarcoated, won’t answer the question directly kind of talk. The people of the Most High mustn’t speak this way. The Most High is clear, open and direct. It’s only a DEVIL that will Speak Conniving to deceive Human beings.

This bad language is used to manipulate people into making agreements that are not in their favor. This bad language is used to curse, demean, disrespect and verbally abuse others more easily, while allowing the user to feel like a good person because they never used explicit language, and disabling the victim’s ability to protest because they cannot point to any vulgar words or clear cut evil because everything was insinuated and implied allowing the victimizer to say, “Well, you just misinterpreted what I said.”

This bad language allows people to curse without ever using a “curse” word. This evil style of communication hides behind tastefulness and decency while vilifying bold, direct and explicit communication.

I’m NOT saying that those who don’t “cuss” or use bad words are in sin. I’m saying the adoption of this kind of language beyond the abstinence of certain words will become a problem as you try to proclaim the truth of the bible, but especially I have a problem with wicked Christians who use this language to justify themselves as Holy while cursing others.

I’m tired of Christians calling something that is not sin a sin, while totally giving a free pass to what is actually sin. And what is that sin again: double talk, insinuation, speaking evil over a person (cursing), lying and gossiping. To all Christians: you’re not holy in your speech life just because you don’t use “bad words”. Don’t get pricked in your spirit when you hear “bad words”. Get pricked/Convicted in your spirit when you tell lies, gossip and curse people. These are the things you’ll be judged for the Messiah said:

But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof on the day of judgment (Matt 12:36).

Well, as we’ve seen in scripture and now knowing the origin of vulgarity, there is no reason to stop if you do use vulgarity, and there is no reason to start if you don’t. Words in themselves are not sinful; it’s the context, the intent and the spirit behind them that should be the concern.
However, The Most High says that we should live at peace with all men (Romans 12:18). The love scripture says that “love doesn’t behave itself unseemly”, that means “rudely” (1 Cor 13:5). So if using vulgarity is considered rude behavior, if it brings about an unsettling to some, if it offends certain people, we shouldn’t use certain words around them out of love.

If you have a godly conviction aside from a social conviction about certain words, then don’t use them. I can understand, for some, certain words trigger sinful behavior and awaken the old man, therefore they shouldn’t be spoken.

Some may find liberty in using these words now knowing that they aren’t sinful, but the word says to be careful:

But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours becomes a stumbling block to them that are weak (1 Cor 8:9).
So this applies to those friends of yours who have godly convictions, it’s best not to use certain words for fear of causing them to stumble back into their old ways.


This brings to mind my next point. I once knew a legalistic dude who told us that drinking liquor and alcoholic beverages was a sin, but this isn’t what the bible says. The Most High tells us not to get drunk. However, The Most High told him to stay away from strong drink because of his past drunkenness, unless he falls again. It was a conviction given to him, and not to others, yet he was placing his convictions on others. Likewise with the use of vulgar language, you cannot place your convictions on others. Here’s what the word says:

1 Him that is weak in the faith receives ye, but not to doubt­ful dis­pu­ta­tions [debate / ar­gu­ments]. 2 For one be­lieveth that he may eat all things: an­other, who is weak, eateth [only] herbs. 3 Let not him that eateth de­spise him that eateth not; and let not him, which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath re­ceived him. 4 Who art thou that judgest an­other man’s ser­vant? to his own master he standeth or fal­l­eth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. (Romans 14:1-4)

Don’t curse people (speak evil against them).
Don’t rejoice when your enemies fall (Prov 24:17-18): Depending on the Context of the Scriptures
Don’t tell lies because all liars have their part in the lake of fire (Rev 21:8).
Don’t gossip because love covers, and God will cut off the gossiper (Psalm 101:5).
Don’t be implicit, but be clear and direct when you communicate (2 Cor 3:12).

The word says again:

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that, which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers (Eph 4:29).

Don’t think that you’re holy in your speech life just because you don’t curse.
You may be guilty of cursing and not even know it.

Christians confuse cursing with vulgarity.
Vulgarity is a social sin and not a biblical sin.

Cursing your fellow man is a SIN against the Most High
Words are not evil in themselves; it’s the context and the spirit behind them.
Know the origin of your convictions before assuming it’s a biblical and godly conviction
If you’re convicted about vulgarity, don’t use it, but don’t place your convictions on others.
If others find these words offensive, don’t use them when around them.
We are to guard against the real sins: lying, gossip, and speaking evil of men (cursing)

TRUTH has become the new HATE speech.

As time draws to an end, the gospel and Jesus Christ have become vulgar and offensive. We mustn’t compromise or be manipulated by those who would use the scriptures to say we’re not being loving Christians because of our harsh message and stance.

Let’s hope for the best for everyone including ourselves and hoping the best includes hoping that our enemies repent and turn to Christ. Let’s speak positive words in Truth over our lives and others. Let’s stop lying and tell the truth. Let’s correct the faults of others rather than gossip. Let’s be more direct in our communication and let’s preach the gospel no matter what.



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