Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Adewale Akomolafe. What a topic, isn’t it but let’s not laugh just yet. If I ask my westerners or those that live in the western world, what will you have to say based on your experience? Has it robbed you off your daily lives? Do you have the humanly power to control the consumption of it? Have you ever asked yourself, why the anxiousness of thought when decision is made to eat outside without no clear explanation and clear direction to solve this? Look at the vegetation on the earth today and see how holistic, greenery and nourishing it is but look at the finalized food process by the cooperate food chains, which was orchestrated and implemented by design to destroyed many lives spiritually and physically. It’s only in the western world I hear westerners saying such thing as “I hate drinking water”, “I hate having my bath”, e.t.c but you are weird because you hate eating in a restaurant” e.t.c.

You know what, let’s pull the string. Do we all agree that food is medicine and it is also spiritual? Do you also agree that Food is another form to weaponize to dumb humanity for easy control and manipulate one’s character? When you see co-operate food chains in the world, what comes to mind? I see genocide, obesity, population control, invitation of strange spirits and the collections of energy. There could be more but I would want the readers to engage themselves deeply based on their own personal experience, to each of their own.

Imagine a powerful king from a powerful kingdom came to western world for vacation, only to end up eating in these cooperate food chains for few months. Little does he know that the king has invited spirits to his body. His sudden change of diet has changed his natural vibrations. He will be weak and sick.

Now, back to the general public, are you aware that these food chains, especially fast food are privatize, occultic and wizardry? They belong to the dark world. They are highly inspired by Satan by his ingredients and his devices, which no one can replicate. These food are brought in these stores by the co-operate without any trace of their source to expose their making process. Why are they so addictive but fair in cost? I will tell you a fact. If you work at a fast food restaurant, why is it preparing the customers meal according to their order taste different compared to preparing the same meal with the same ingredients at home? If you want to dispute this, take their ingredients with you home and try it, you cannot replicate that same taste. Isn’t this strange? You can prepare this addictive meal but as soon as you leave the premises of these food chain restaurants, it becomes your own food, which will be less addictive. Ponder on this my friend. Can I call this witchcraft? There is a strange spirit, energy, inspiration and knowledge that you posses when you put on that uniform, once you put it off, these elements leaves you. I mean look at their menu lists and choices, why certain choices of food cost goes up when you remove a certain item in a menu or remains the same which leaves you little or no choice to keep it due to the cost.

Now, let’s dive a little deeper. Do you know that you consume the same thoughts, emotions and energy of those who have touched the food that ends up in plate and especially the people who are making the food and let’s not forget that those that works in a restaurant and understaffed and underpaid. So they are not thinking in the most highest vibration thoughts when making the food. Why is that some fast food joints like McDonald’s, Subway, Starbucks, Wendy’s were all found to be the most hated fast food chain in several countries, while KFC tops the Most hated food brand in some countries. For the sake of my craft and this brand (Trwth), I’ll mention few countries (New Zealand, UAE, France, Singapore and Turkey) we’re countries with the highest hate rate for KFC. I’m not talking about un-experience cooks/chef’s or different taste buds but rather the reality of food chains, specifically fast food chains.

Interestingly, when it comes to the United States, it’s quite different. This is the mighty hands and brains of the Occultist freemasonries Jews. Jesuits created these restaurants, which has become the second nature. Many don’t even know or forgot how to cook for themselves anymore. Look at our women in the advanced world of today’s day and age; many don’t see cooking valuable or essential. They eat outside or find men that will take them to restaurants. Look at our kids for Christ sake, crying/yelling/screaming “I want McDonald’s”. Look at these strange energies that has addictively taken the natural taste, which lies in the power of the tongue. Natural foods have become a second choice in our daily lives.
Now, with all these solid points, can you now see why people are battling self-control and trying to gain full control of their lives? Can you also now see that a lot of people due to this un-natural addictive chemicalize food; it has deprived you from finishing your divine race. This is real brothers and sisters because millions of people are fighting for their lives just to carry out their divine assignments. It get addictive as money It’s a continuous battle of self-control and good health. Why do you get so lazy consistently, feeling unmotivated consistently, getting sick and feeling weak? Why does your brain and mind feel foggy that you can’t clearly see the devil in our plain sights, systematically to slow and shut you down? Why are you a victim of all these destructive elements? Why every time you try to escape these vicious food chains, more restaurants are been built at your nearest comfort. Picture this, more are still coming until they occupy every blocks in the streets of the world, starting from the western world. This is their agenda folks and you cannot stop them. You see it in every angle. These are powerful men. I mean this is some real stuff.

I won’t be surprised if the next agenda is to start taking people lives by the consumption of these toxic venomous foods. Do you know what spirit cooking is? I’ll leave you with that assignment. START COOKING AT HOME. IF YOU DON’T KNOW HOW, LEARN. This is the starting solution to the detriment of this article.

This is Adewale and I APPROVE this message.

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