Wander, wander wander wander wander, wander wander wander wander, till you turn to wanderer. Where is the preceding sense of Humanity? Why have you allowed to be fooled by the in-geniuses of these craftsmen and crafts women? Why have you defiled yourself against the terrorism of the entire planet? Oh hail the 1 percent that sits at the pyramid of doom whom dictates the direction of the planet. They have rolled the boat down the stream to contaminate all the waters of the earth in which humanity will drink from it. Don’t you understand that the earth is given and govern by the hands of the wicked? Don’t you know that Satan only have a short time just as a den of thieves whose motivated to carry out a national robbery, in which they will kill for the operation to be successful. Do you blame them for killing innocent souls? The evil that lives with them will cease to hunt them. My name is Adewale and I approve this message. The World must continue in such catastrophic moment in which the *Almighty* approves. Wake up and smell the chemicals. Don’t you know that nature reveals information to those that regard themselves as human; When I mean human, I don’t mean the A.I’s but rather the ancient souls? My heart is like a sharped arrow ready to penetrate into the flesh of men and ripped men’s brains out. In other words, I will expose the brutal plan of these 1 percent’s of the 1 percent that sits on top of the pyramid. Has anyone heard judges, Lawyers, police officers or even the Military troops contacted the virus? If so, how many? Black and brown America has been facing a crisis with the criminal justice system for generations; it shouldn’t take a pandemic to show that people DO NOT have to be caged up, dragged through the system, and have their life ruined by the vicious system! This could have been happening all along! The nature of the devil is not merciful or graceful because when he gives, he wants more in return. He can’t just release these „criminals“ for the sake of virus.


First of all, in every so-called epidemic, diagnoses of patients are eventually made by simple observation. The patient has typical flu symptoms? Fever, cough, fatigue, weakness, respiratory problems? He lives or works in an area where the epidemic has been reported? Boom, tell the patient he has the epidemic disease. Obviously, this is absurd. But it happens. And then you hear or read, “Today, three more people were found to be infected with the virus in (insert name of city).”

If a patient is actually tested, before a diagnosis is made, the most prevalent method is the antibody test. It’s fast. But there is a problem, a major problem. A positive test means the patient’s immune system has come in contact with the virus. Before 1984, this was generally interpreted as a good sign for the patient: his immune system responded well and defeated the virus. But then the science was turned upside down. Suddenly, a positive test meant the patient had a disease. Therefore, huge numbers of people were falsely told they were in danger. During times of hysteria, they became “new cases” of some purported epidemic. They were cited on the news to bolster the idea that the “the virus was spreading.” One more point: antibody tests are known to cross-react. This means: some irrelevant fact about the patient makes the test falsely read “positive for a virus.” He drank wine the night before the test. He has a cold. Etc.

In very few cases, a patient might be tested with a method called PCR. In simple terms, this test takes a tissue sample from the patient, a tiny, tiny piece of something that might be a virus, but it’s much too small to be observed and identified. To overcome this problem, the PCR test amplifies that tiny fragment many, many times like blowing up a photograph. If the test overcomes several challenges and is done correctly, researchers and doctors might be able to infer that the patient has the virus. BUT the test would reveal nothing about HOW MUCH of the virus he has. And why is that important? Because two or three little particles of virus floating around in the patient’s body means nothing. In order to cause disease, there would have to be millions and millions of a virus in the patient’s body. However, that obvious fact is ignored. A patient with a positive PCR test is added to the list of epidemic cases and the news reports. Many people contacted it through testing, once you go for the test you are infected. The few that are not positive is to balance the equation and make people believe it is real. The vaccine will come, but the vaccine will carry the actual disease. It is loaded with signals to control the human body by sending signals from the body to their database that would be the only proof to them that you are safe, virus free and you are not contaminated.

Are you ready? I can smell panic. I will repeat myself again, Are you ready? Let’s release the lions from the cages. Do you really think they are worried about viruses? Before this massive virus widespread, Old folks were hit the most. All it takes was contain the affected ones to the hospital for care, which will limit the virus from spreading. Let me tell you a secret, they want to implement a cashless society system. They needed a pretext to do that and the corona virus is just that. India did it a few years back and it created the highest amount of chaos. The chaos generated from switching currencies to a cashless society will be 10 times as great as India. In the near future, your financial services provider might roll out a cashless system based on the digital wallet concept, or one with an additional level of security using biometrics that would extend beyond your smartphone. Currently, the industry leader in these kinds of payments is Google, which has introduced Google Wallet. However, it is likely that Visa and Apple will soon enter this market as well.
Transit commuters in New Jersey to pay for tickets are already using Google Wallet, but its usage is limited to only the Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus smartphones. These reptilians are not playing. They mean business. Whatever religion you practice, hold on to your Faith because you will need it, but I know the Universal God must allow the demons to carry out their Global Plan. Africa has already accepted the new form of technological system. The Old Fashion organic way of Life has been compromised with irresistible initiation of the new system. Sadly, the World must commence without any regret. If you are a good man, hold on to your Faith, if you are a righteous man, hold on to your faith, if you are a wicked man, hold on to your faith.

The World must thrive and no man can save us from our era of the new age. I know their plans; it’s written all over the Walls. Sometimes, you watch movies and you can’t imagine this can actually exist in our reality. Little do you know that a lot of Hollywood movies are allegorical into what will unfold in our reality. NEW WORLD ORDER. Interesting!! Didn’t I tell you Satan only has a short time? The Worst is yet to come but I’ll tell you the brutal truth. They want me to believe that the Virus came from bats or some other nonsense? The Elites needs to go back to elevate their knowledge in the career of *lies*. It is rather strange that it has been possible to conclude that the virus outbreak initiated on a market in the Chinese Wuhan region, while it is unknown from which animals as some presume bats. After all, I hope that the person who brought the animals to the market should have become ill or contact the Virus. Bunch of no brainers. Go and tell the Monkeys such. They have really spent a lot of hours studying animals for them to choose bats. It is unheard of in many places of the western world to consume such disgusting creature. What a Taboo. I can boldly credit their choice of animal for the spread of the virus. What a perfect choice. I don’t see any connect btw one contacting the virus from bats. Lol, try again! You would think that it shouldn’t be that complicated to trace the source; unless it is a PsyOp (psychological operation and therefore a false flag). Humanity believe this is a new strange virus in which it’s not. CORONAVIRUS is not a new virus. It has been around for at least two decades and is transmitted from animals to humans and then from humans to humans.

I will tell you a truth. US Patent #2006257852 issued in 2006 by Kyron and Euro Patent EP3172319B1 for vaccine applied in 2014 and granted in Nov.2019. What a perfect timing. The patent number EP3172319B1 developed by Erica Bickerton on it Pirbright Institute in Surrey, England. The Pirbright Institute (Bill & Melinda Gates) specializes in the study of infectious diseases in farm animals.In 2004, the CDC filed a patent on a newly isolated coronavirus known as SARS. It expired on January 24, 2020, pure coincidence given the timing of this media outbreak I’m sure. BULLSHIT!In 2015, the Pirbright Institute filed a patent for a live attenuated coronavirus to be used in the production of vaccines. The Pirbright Institute is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and recently received $5.5 million dollars to do what they do. They were „coincidentally chosen“ to create the vaccine behind this current outbreak.
They will be partnering with Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) to create said vaccine. This company brought you the zika quackxine in a record-breaking 7 months (run, just  run). Inovio Pharmaceuticals will be partnering with Wistar (funded by Bill and Melinda Gates), GeneOne (funded by Bill and Melinda Gates and sponsored by the US FDA) and Twist Biosciences (funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). If the Wistar Institute sounds familiar, it should. This is the company that produced the WI-38 cell line derived from the „too many to count“ aborted fetuses in the vaccines injected into your children. This is what they do to the children. I beg of you, pls, don’t believe me.October 18 2019. Event 201 is a high-level pandemic exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and none other than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


This is extremely fascinating because this pandemic simulation exercise of coronavirus took place about 6 weeks before the first illness from the coronavirus was actually reported in Wuhan China! That is one hell of a coincidence if you believe in that sort of thing. Another fascinating connection, is the fact that not only did the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation participate in and help set up the pandemic simulation of a coronavirus outbreak, but they just so happen to fund the group who owns the patent to the deadly coronavirus and are already working on a vaccine to solve the current crisis. Again an incredible coincidence? BULLSHIT. When I see a crack in the Fabric, I call it crack not Marijuana. All this and the perfect timing of Netflix’s new PANDEMIC documentary, how convenient, just another coincidence? Lol, I don’t think so. Well, if the patent belongs to this English laboratory, how do these animals end up on the Chinese market? Although it is claimed that it is probably a mutated virus, the biggest question remains how the virus ended up in China. Answer me, how do these animals end up on the Chinese market lol??My Second Question will be how one can know that it is a mutated virus? This can only be known if blood samples are taken from infected patients and then make genetic analyses of those samples. That seems like a matter of a few hours to me with current modern research resources. Viruses have become a social drill tested by the elite of the 1 percent that runs the world. They create the problem, observe the reactions from humanity and come up with a solution. Cause and effect. That’s what these mammals do. Let me stimulate your mind as I get into facts. This is a real virus, which has affected real people in real time but if I was to tell you that the death rate is not close to Flu’s, Cancers and other kinds of diseases. More than 6 million deaths comes from smoking, the World is calm, more than 2.5 million deaths from Alcohol, the World is calm, over 230,000 deaths comes from medical error practices and the world is calm. Corona, highly suspected death has killed less than 60,000 people and it has SHUT DOWN THE ENTIRE WORLD?

My name is Adewale and I am not going anywhere due to the fact that I approve this message. Stay with me universe; What if I tell you no virus can kill you or deadly to the body. Hear me out; I said no virus can weaken the body. Your internal body system is bullet proofs that protect the body from any danger but I will tell you that once your immune system is weak, once your immune system is weak, they got you. Your own funeral awaits you. Ponder on the next arrow that I’m about to throw. Do you know that pharmaceutical industry *treatment* is the 3rd biggest cause of DEATH in America? These Evil entities are responsible for the death of over 300,000 lives every year. Plz, don’t believe me. Over 300,000 lives have perished and more will perish every year. You know why? It’s a big money maker for them. They will do anything for lives to be buried at the cemetery. Its pleasure for them to see everyone health’s at stake. Their greatest wish is for them is to drug the whole nation of America and significantly, the World, so they can hit the jackpot, and they will do anything to accomplish that. Just look at all the crappy, shitty, poisonous food that’s legally allowed in the country by a useless non-human entity called FDA (Food& Drug Administration). Let me hit you with this; Do you know that raw milk is illegal in the states. You dare not sell it in your store. Try it and you can kiss your store goodbye. It is impossible to find it in stores also; if you do, FDA will visit you lol.


That Red Neck of a Man whom happens to be chief in command for America whose name is Donald Trump is a bad bad Man. This brother means business. He doesn’t care about the Liberal Medias, neither any entity nor individuals that hates him, he has a plan and he executes them for the most part. Oh, when I mean bad man, all I see in his character is patriotism. The Globalist Cabals can’t stand this Man. That’s what happens when evil plans cannot be carried out in real time but they would not give up. I only have one message to the World, Fear the Almighty through his Son and keep his Commandments. For the Wicked, Thou shall perish from the face of the earth. You were given the power from the heavens to carry out the Most High Plan accordingly, When your time has expire, you WILL fall.

Before I rest my case, ponder on these below

? Wuhan to Beijing = 1052 km

? Wuhan to New York = 12000 km

? Wuhan to Etli = 8670 km

? Wuhan to London = 8880 km

? Wuhan to Paris = 8900 km

? Wuhan to Spain = 9830 km

? Wuhan to India = 3575 km

? Wuhan to Iran = 6560 km

The virus from Wuhan reached the whole world but did not reach Beijing, Shanghai. Why?


„Great“ people as they say in the world has the virus such as Hollywood Star, Australia’s Home Minister, Britain’s Health Minister, Spain’s Prime Minister’s wife and now Britain’s Prince Charles also has the virus, but China in which the virus originate from has not even touched a single leader, a single military commander!  Why?

Corona virus has originated from the city of Wuhan in China and now it has reached every corner of the world, but this virus has not reached the capital of China: Beijing and the economic-capital: Shanghai near Wuhan, why?

Today Paris is closed, New York is closed, Berlin is closed, Rome is closed, Delhi is closed, Mumbai is closed, major economic and political centers of the world are closed, but Beijing and Shanghai are open, there Corona did not show any effect!  Numerous cases came to light, but in a way, Corona had no effect on Beijing and Shanghai, why?

Beijing is the city where all the leaders of China live, military-leaders live here, those who run the power of China live here, and there is no lock-down in Beijing!  It is open!  Corona has no effect here, why?

Shanghai is the city that runs China’s economy, it is the economic capital of China, and here all the rich people of China live!  Those who keep the industry running, there is no lock-down there, corona here has no effect!  Why?

Is corona a pandemic virus, which has been told that you have to create panic all over the world, but you will not come to Beijing and Shanghai, it is very important to ask China the question that when the biggest developed countries of the world Could not stop Corona!  Corona created terror in big cities of the world, so why did not this conflict reaches Beijing? ;  Why not reach Shanghai?   Why?

Beijing and Shanghai are the areas adjacent to Wuhan!  The virus from Wuhan reached every corner of the world, but this virus did not reach Beijing and Shanghai!  Why?

Today, the whole of India and 130 other countriesmay be locked-down!  Our economy is coming to a standstill, but all major cities of China are open and now and from April 8, China is also opening Wuhan!  The whole world is stricken with terror!  Now new cases are not coming in China and China is open!  Why?

Another big thing is that the stock market around the world has fallen by almost half!  Nifty has gone from 12 thousand to 7 thousand in India too!  But China’s share – market was at 3 thousand, which is only at 2700!  There is no effect of this virus on the Chinese market as well!  Why?

Let’s talk about 5g Network, hmmm!!!! We are screwed. People don’t understand the health benefit of this powerful radiation, which can literally fry the blood, and the cells of humans. What if I tell you that the electromagnetic wave(Radiation) is what is causing these sickness, loss of taste, respiratory problems, diarrhea, lost of taste, loss of smell, hair loss, Vomiting, cough, body weakness, in which thousands of people died, would you believe me? Don’t you know that the same symptoms of this 5g network effect is the same symptoms as the corona virus according to these cabals (Media outlets), medical scientists, medical researchers, all the way to your streets doctors. I laugh at stupidity. Don’t you know that people like us are here on this planet for a reason?  The best thing you can do is to put us in prison, kill us or assassinate these chosen ones. You can kill the messengers but you can’t kill the message. We are born to do this. WE WILL NOT BOW DOWN TO THE THINGS OF THIS WORLD AND WE ARE READY TO DIE FOR THE TRUTH as my Soul bears me witness. All you have to do is watch their movies on the movie outlets and you can clearly see the future. DON’T YOU GET IT!

When you see people walking and dropping dead, can we say it is the virus or the 5g? Which is more logical? In Wuhan, there is evidence of the locals taking down the 5g towers to destroy it, now Wuhan and china cases are decreasing by the number. Look at New York for example, which I think has the leading case in America; can we say it is the virus or 5g? This brain of ours is for a reason, use it. We are limiting the power of the Architect that designed the brain. We are the children of the Universe, don’t don’t let me call my daughter to answer the question. Examine these countries with the highest deaths and cases in the World, what is the source cause of this deaths and sickness, can we say the 5g or the Virus? Why the implementation of 5g and who will it benefit the most? Haven’t you heard of an advanced and efficient 5g network and devices that keep track of everybody in minutes. No private lifestyle. These devices are able to collect our data just simply by head recognition easily once we are vulnerable to the society anywhere. Africa for example is the most undeveloped continent in the world but has the least cases of this virus. Why is it so? Now, I hope you can clearly see the hint. Connect the dots and that is your answer.







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