
I wonder what WAEC and JAMB looks like since I didn’t get to experience that back home. I bet it is something scary for the “dumb” guys and for the ladies, I get it. Backtrack that, do you know my Father made me repeat a class due to the Last position of grades in my class, which I made history as I Witness to my own shame and ridicule. Interesting isn’t it?

Moving forward in my Life when I was told I and my sister’s with my mom was going to America to live with my dad back in 05 which was a devastating moment for me. Living with my dad was like living with a Philosopher, professor and an Athlete coach destined for greatness. I knew what I was getting myself into. By the way, when people say Education is the only way to Success, I believe they mean ‘Formal Education’. This is What the White Folks has done to us.

Going to America was full of suspense for me, having no Clue how the Educational System Works but was looking forward to it. I could remember the First day of school in America. The first brightness I saw was the White students. I felt like i was on planet schooling. The Feeling I had was ‘Can I compete with these White Students academically?’ Everything was weird and new to me: (Food, Style and Mode of dress, accent and the Courses) but I took it like a Man all the way to my graduation.

During my 3 years’ experience in high school, I discern that mostly everybody hate school but love the socialism and that’s a Fact. It was more about having bitches, shoes game, and dress to impress, playing sports, Bullying, car pimping, racial discrimination and Violence. These are what I learnt in three years of high school NOT History, English or Math. Gotta talk about racial discrimination because it affected me psychologically.

Watching Slavery Movies with what my ancestors had to fight for equality against the whites was normal. I get it!!! White against blacks. How do blacks on blacks sound huh!!! I have to deal with this bullshit for three solid years of my Life by myself without any help. I began to wonder, is this Psychiatric Facility. Where are the rules to protect the students? Teachers, Counselors, Board Administrators, Wise ones of the Faculties??? Scoff!!!!

I realize i am on the Military Field by myself with my head, hands and Mind to survive. All my parents cared is go to school and get your ‘Education’. Again, they meant ‘Formal Education’. I was hurt, beat down and Psychological disturbed. ‘They’ missed it. Why do people always say “Which College did you go to rather than Which College did you graduate from”?

Think about it!!! There’s something wrong with this saying. It’s a proof saying “You don’t have to graduate but going to college will always give you that pass not to be judged destructively”. I thank College life not for the courses learnt but for one thing: BOLDNESS. My first semester in College was a Failure to me because I failed 5 of 7 courses. As a black man from Nigeria, it equates with me been sentence 25-Life in prison according to our ‘Tradition’ which is a deep spirit.

It took 5 yrs. out of my Life to accomplish a 2 year for undergraduate with few more courses to go. Brutally speaking, those years were a waste of time. The only course that helped me was psychology. I needed it to heal my mental
state and my wounded spirit from high School. What a life saver because this is a reality course that helps with real life issues. Do you know I slept in class more than I sleep at home? Why? Because the Most High is using me to punish my parents for going against the Universal Will for their own will. What is the Punishment? Sponsorship to College which they didn’t get the result they planned for me. “Does she/he have two head?” is a Myth. This is how they get you.

One thing I have accomplished in School that Sit well on me is the Fact that I am a College dropout. This is my story. When I look back on my journey in College again, I began to see the bigger picture. It’s a business. The Educational System is fundamentally corrupt. These powerful White Folks has sat down to take our brains and gave us laws and orders for their own profit.

To see this, you have to buy the Magic glasses from divine. I Wish I can still meet some of my white teachers as they will take the back seat while I Lecture them. Black Folks, it’s very important to learn about Slavery. Educate yourself to your reality. What if I tell you that brainwashing and Conditioning is one key reason the educational system has shifted? They know what they are doing. Good thing for the internet. I believe it’s here for a reason.

As the old saying: Education is not power, Power is not Power, Money is not Power but Knowledge is

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“Has A Matter Of Fact”,Our destiny is been delayed due to ignorance.Fake Ideology is implanted into our ‘Metal State Of Thinking’.
The Formal Education is so Messed Up

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