My name is Adewale and I approve this article even if the world says otherwise. Here come the White folks with their lies. If you watch the media and they aired its morning, confirm that if it’s true. I know who they are. It’s their nature and I don’t blame them. Let me ask you a question. How does it sound to hear that one went to the moon and back to earth? Tell that to my six year daughter. The Universal God doesn’t permit such. I repeat myself; the Universal God would not allow that. You can get by with a lot of things with his creation but going to the Moon is not one of them. That is the level of integrity he has with the elements that serve a massive purpose to his tent. It’s also a big shame for popular major and minor networks to air such nonsense. I will tell you a secret, DO NOT listen to the Media; merely all of them are here for a reason.

I wish I can remember what class it was during my high school years when my instructor played documentary of the first man that landed on the moon. He got me on that one. Who would come up with such bold and brave stunt? By all means, question the experts around you and also question those who question those experts because it is necessary to stand out and give the listeners or viewers RAW food for thought. I am not an expert but I am not stupid either. I have a brain and the intuition to expose their lies. I know their trickery but they can’t get me. Where are the critical and logical thinkers, truth seekers, brave and courageous ones, spiritual ones? Let’s face it, there isn’t really a heap load of evidence that we didn’t go to the moon. Why would there be? NASA doesn’t WANT evidence that we went to the moon. NASA wants people not to ask questions but believe what they said and keep living their happy little lives. NOT this brother.

If truly NASA contends that they did travelled to the moon, then the evidence must be carefully examined and critically observed. Facts remained facts. The evidence that has been in the public domain for 30 years now are in the form of photographs, images of spacecraft taken by astronauts in other spacecraft as well as images of the spacecraft heading towards the moon by telescope from the Earth, video records broadcast in real-time and seen in real-time, scientific experiments placed on the moon (whose placement was clearly documented by the lunar photography including still photography by the astronauts and video images transmitted in real-time), moon rocks and samples returned from the surface of the moon which support the supposition that they resided on the Moon is total BULLSHIT. Truth cannot be ratified by ignorance. Put on the magic glasses and see their Woes.

moon - trwth radio

The sun is the only light that serves as light to the Moon. This is a shot of Buzz Aldrin and Neal Armstrong planting the US flag on the moon. If the sun is the only light source used by NASA on the moon, Aldrins shadow A shadows should not be so much taller than Armstrong’s. It’s naturally impossible for his shadow to be taller than that of Armstrong when they are almost of the same height.

moon 3- trwth radio

This picture has saved many lives. This is the power of presenting un-real images. If you carefully examine area B, you will notice a shadow across his space suit. Once again, if the Sun is the only light used on the moon, this shadow would have been MUCH darker. Try again.

Looking at area C you will notice that the surface of the moon suddenly fades off into the distance, and then is met with the moon’s horizon. In a no-atmosphere environment, the ground shouldn’t have faded out in any way, but stayed crystal sharp unto the moon’s horizon. These are proofs and there are more to show the world. These are just simple lighting effects.

Looking at area D you can plainly see some type of structure or images reflected through Aldrins helmet. I don’t have any idea what it is but it is present. For argument sake I’ll ignore the fact based on careful examined that it’s the devices used as a source of light but it is there. No comment.

moon 4- trwth radio

If you look at A, you will see that the gas pump shadow in the opposite direction! If there is only one light source on the moon, which is the Sun, then all shadows must be in the same direction. You can see that the shadows cast by all other objects are in the other direction. We will keep exposing their lies. They must have taken us as aliens.

moon 5- trwth radio

LMAO, really!!! I guess this must have been some terrestrial beings that planted a traffic sign on the moon. They must have another world on the moon and needed for traffic sign to regulate their roads. There is no way these could have appeared on the moon, oops, this show NASA’s neglect for detail.

moon 6- trwth radio

I have never been to the moon and this DO NOT look anywhere close to the moon. This is common sense. If you look at A and B, you will see that the astronauts are not wearing any helmets!!! That says it all. The government must think that we are some bunch of morons.

moon 7- trwth radio

If you look in areas 6 and J, you will again see no stars. In fact, you will never see any stars in any NASA Moon photographs, or hear an astronaut mention anything about the glorious stars that are visible when out of the earth’s atmosphere. How come, there are no stars in NASA Moon photographs? They are giving us clues and hints. Too easy to debunked their lies. In area K you will notice that one side of the LEM in covered in shadow, but somehow the symbol of the US flag in illuminated. This very well could have been a touch up job.

I believe that Area 51 is where they filmed the Apollo hoax and any similarities to the desert surrounding as well as craters near the site to the lunar landscape is my evidence that the moon landing was staged in area 51. When astronauts put up the American flag on the Moon it waves, yet there is no wind on the Moon. How do you explain that?

I will touch in depth on this later in the Future. Digest this first and give yourself a place of reasoning and search your inner conscience if truly the 6 Apollo moon landings as they claim they made their landings from 1961-1972. Your Conscience will not deceive you. It helps if you are spiritual. I’ll rest my case till further proof.

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