If nature serves humanity, isn’t this selfless? Why is humanity selfish to its kind? Look around you, Nature governs and serve you to Live, Why can’t we reciprocate the same energy to our Kind? The earth weeps for her children but the children ears are deaf to hear the tears of their Mother. Nature gives birth to its kind for the sake of Mankind greatest desire. It has no desire for itself; thus, present for all beings; that’s why it’s always ahead. Humanity gives birth to Humanity simply to isolate from its kind.

Fame or Integrity, Which is more important? Money or happiness: which is more valuable? Success or Failure: Which is more destructive? Where is human morality? The ordinary Man is always doing things but yet many more are left undone. Why has contentment been an enemy against humanity? Do you realize that the gentlest thing in the world overcomes the hardest thing in the World? What greater treasure superseded the oneness of self-awareness? Find me one, and Peace of mind is his. True Wisdom seems Foolish. True Art of oneness seems artless. Don’t you know that success is a dangerous as Failure? Here’s Why; Whether you go up or down a Ladder, your position is shaky but When you stand with your two feet on the ground, you will always keep your balance. Have Faith in the way things are and love the world as yourself. Incline your ears to the dialogue of Nature to better serve you. Empty your mind and trash the filth; truly, you will be full because the World is yours, this is not an empty Phrase.


Hmmmm!!!!! Pause for a second. What is the definition of this confused word called «Education»? Is Life a Race? Why can’t we learn from Nature?
Right since birth, the quest to obtain knowledge by man has been an important task. Through the acquisition of knowledge, man has been able to make great inventions and contributions that serve to make life easier and safer for all. The continuous quest for knowledge has led to the invention of institutions of learning, where people can go and acquire knowledge that could be useful in solving real life issues Over the years, great minds and inventions have been built within the walls of classrooms and education became the envy of all. Examine our World today, do you see this thesis?
My birth originates from a land in Western region of Africa which is the most populated black race in the World. Pure Africans without mixed race. A Country where one is inspired by Actors and Actresses, Politicians, Musicians, Preachers and Internet Fraudsters, put that into your spirit. What a great Nation but this is what the Nation builders consist of: Understanding this Life (You) is the acceptance of your existence; that’s true Wisdom. Why? Asking your self the meaning of Life. Are you aware that brilliant minds have discussed and speculated about the Meaning of Life, which brings me to philosophy? The Evil Elites have suppressed the *Subject*; what a brilliant group i must confessed! Obviously, this is the ending result of humanity; Look at the World today, it’s the Supremist vs. Humanity.
I’ll tell you a secret. The only way to discover the purpose of an invention is to ask the creator of it. Isn’t it? No *flesh* here on earth knows or can determine the Purpose of Life. Not even the Philosophers, except the creator of humanity. Why wonder in the dark and guess? Look Within as many will say is the quest of self awareness or understanding of one’s purpose is like pushing the walls to move or hiring 60 million people trying to decrease the sea water level with a bucket each. It’s only possible knowing, understanding and accepting one’s meaning of one’s life as a creator. Same with your Parent’s, Grand Parents, Great grand parents. When an inventor invents anything, that soul is the only one that understands the purpose of it because he is the creator of it. Are you also aware that the First Man on earth doesn’t have the Ability to know the purpose of his creation?
The Self-Centered as the normalcy of this Word has pushed into the minds of Men goes as thus: Consider your dreams, Set your goals and Values, Understanding of one’s gift, Aim high and of course Make Money: that’s the power of the Mind but the Force at Will of Nature dominates the Mind. Isn’t it? #Foodforthought.


The smallest living creature has the power to save life or end one. Hear me out; I said Ants has the power to save lives. When you see them, respect them. They are here for a reason just like humans. To simply Live has become a terror in human affairs. Sometimes, I wish animals can govern us if there were given the ability and capacity to.
Education is so valued to the extent that it is becoming an obsession. As we know that anything that crosses the line of normalcy will mostly bring negative consequences. Isn’t it? Education is Simply Life. Understanding and accepting this soul, the rest is history. Can you remain unmoving till the right action visits you by itself? Life will take its course if you don’t have any filth in the Mind. Can you read and Write? Do you have rich mind and character? Are you generous? Are you selfless? Do you humans in yourself? Are you compassionate? Are you disciplined? Why Struggle to Simply be human? Trash your Language, denounce your Nationality, erase your mentality, Divorce your Culture, Bastardize your Traditions, Filter your beliefs and eat the fruit of Life thereof. If you want peace of Mind, which is the greatest/Highest Value one can ever attain, let everything go and empty your mind. Do you have the patience to wait as a mud settles and the water is cleared?
Stop thinking about your life because you didn’t create it? Must you Value what Other Values and avoid what others avoid?
For Humanity, throw away Holiness and Wisdom as it was in the very beginning and people will be thousand times happier. For the Governments of the World, throw away Laws and Orders and people will do the right thing. For Cooperates and private business Men and Women, throw away industries and profits and there won’t be any thieves. A good traveler has no fixed dates or plans. A good artist let his intuition leads him in his artistry. A good scientist has freed himself of concepts and keeps his mind open. A complete human knows, understand and accepted the being in him.
Knowing others in their divinity is intelligence. Knowing yourself is True Wisdom. Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is True Power. Understand this, No one on earth can change the World, if you dare tamper with it, prepare your Corpse. In other words, your days are numbered. Words of Wisdom, The World will govern itself. This life (You) only Impact. You are designed for such.
Those that came from the continent of Africa, will you rather be called Africans first or your Nationality or rather humans?
Education is fundamental. Knowing and Understanding this Life (You) in it’s simplest and Spiritual form is *Education*. Serve humanity and the Universe, which is governed by the Almighty, will meet your needs. Do away with astrology or other dubious Methods to understand your adventure. That is the Formula for the Equation. Women, play your roles in real life and real time and you will call the queen of peace. When Life has meaning, you can bear almost anything, without it, nothing is bearable because it is Divining. Here is another sacred treasure. Do you want to live an aged life? Those with a deep sense of life purpose will most likely to live. Why? They are full of Life.

I will conclude with this, your existence among 7 billion people in the World is not a fluke of nature. Your parents may not have planned you but the Creator did. You were expected to exist. Your been conceived existed in the mind of the creator before your parents came together. Every detail and design on your body in its purest natural form was carefully pre-designed. You were customized as seen and shown to the world with each natural talents, uniqueness of your personality, your race, color of your skin, your hair and other features for the good. Evil has resulted to our planet by the hands of humans, which has brought consequences upon our World and ourselves. The perfect DNA of this life (You) was put together by the Architecture regardless the circumstances of your birth or who your parents were; either good or evil. The Creator knew that those two individuals possessed the perfect Gene’s makeup to create the custom (You). They had the only DNA the creator wanted to design you. You see!!! Why the Self Hate? Embrace this life(You) and simply live it. This is Adewale and I approve this message.


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