You know What fascinates me? When people ask me what time is it. Like I am responsible for keeping time or you’ve heard somewhere told you in previous past that I’m a time keeper. Sometimes, they’ll phrase it a Lil differently. Do you have the time? My thoughts, did I invent time, even if i tell you the *time* , What will you do with it? Will you laugh at me if I tell you the time? I think you will do. Why tell you? My response will be I DON’T believe I do or I certainly didn’t bring it with me when I left the house. What, you expect me to bring it along with me? Why didn’t you ask me if I bring the wind? Who told you I have the time? Could you possibly have left it somewhere. Now that you have mentioned it, I believe the Roman Empire has the time, somewhere in a tiny land mass called Vatican. I meant the real time. Can you see time? How? Your Clocks, Watches?? An element formulated in a limited shapes of different sizes, controls humanity days to days activities. Hmmm!!! Interesting. How accurate is it? The seconds, minutes and the hours? Tick tock defines one second past right? Who defines this, the Almighty? I’m waiting. They hid it from us, Check the two glory Lights in the 2nd heaven, That’s TIME. Is that Man Made or divine?
Realistic speaking, it’s an human invention. We made the whole thing up. So when are we? Sometimes we think we know where we are but we really don’t know when we are. We could be in the middle, early, Late last month or Last year, and the time zones don’t really help which is the master of Confusion? Matter of fact, Certain places in India, their time zone operates on the half hour instead of the hour. Some countries has more than 5 time zones while some less than 5. Imagine countries having almost all time zones. Who create this mess? Isn’t this Foolishness? Time has been broken down into components where we look for it and find it. It is an exciting knowledge to have. Yes, time is now inferior to mankind. We’ve caged it. Yes!!! We are superior. It has revealed it’s nature in it’s physical form. We can see time now. Look at it. It’s 5pm. No, its 6:30pm. That’s wrong, let’s try again. How, Ask the internet. Isn’t it the greatest invention by Man? We try hard to keep track of time but we CAN’T pin it down. Here it is, it’s getting closer, oooh it’s gone. We use words like now but it a useless word. Can You tell me time? Which time did you want, now or the time you asked me? How about now, is this the time you want? Speak up, this stuff isn’t standing still. I’m fustrated because I can’t tell you the real time. Go and ask your elected representatives or the time keeper. Can you pin down the wind or both sun and the moon? Why ask me real time when I can’t pin it down? Everything we think of as now is either the very recent past or the very near future. There is no present. The present is gone. Welcome to the present again, damn! gone again. I think I know What time it is.
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