Trump Uproar Arresting Over Dozen Elite Pedophiles Including the Politicians and the Celebrities.

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  • Trump Uproar Arresting Over Dozen Elite Pedophiles Including the Politicians and the Celebrities.

If the White American media tells you “Good Morning”, don’t believe it but rather check outside if it’s true. I know their tactics. Their deeds are on my Palms, they know who they are. A nation of disguise and filth rooted upon cannibalism, communism, evil wars, predators, idolatry, artificial intelligence, word semantics and many more is like aliens walking on mars, if there is a mars. That’s another topic for another day. America, the Jungle of leadership. How do you explain over 1 million black men missing? This excludes other race of people and their gender. I’m not talking about in prison walls.

They are Literally Missing. Can someone explain that? No Mainstreams media carried such mysterious events. Why? Why?? Why??? I need an explanation!!! What is the purpose of a Media that can’t inform its citizens of our dangerous environment? Can we say they are useless? The entire major network Medias have no shame and lack dignity. I must confess. I hate them with passion of my guts for misleading the American People and the entire world. We independent patriots have to do their job. What Job? SIMPLY TELL THE MASSES THE TRUTH. That’s all. People get killed for risking their lives to inform the masses the TRUTH. I believe the only fear in me is the facts that fear have no place in me. DEATH is part of life and I’ve embraced it.

A Country rooted upon death of innocent bloods; what do you think may be their activities for those that rule this nation for it to thrive? EVIL. Let me shift my audience to my black brothers and sisters and other “Minorities” groups worldwide. Why do you hate DONALD TRUMP? Why have you clouded your mind with HATRED towards him? There is an entity that troubles this Nations whom the Masses don’t know or they are blind. IT’S THE DEEP STATE. Again, what has happened to the 1.5 million black men missing in the past few years? As of 2017, over 118,353 people need an organ transplant, and about 22 people per day die while waiting for an organ transplant.

The World Health Organization reports that over 7,000 kidneys alone are harvested illegally annually. Another big money maker is children sex trafficking. America calls it the Pizzagate. That’s their code of urban words which they only can understand. 2019 is the year of Judgment. Oh Man!!! God of Israel. Again, this year is the year of Judgment and no man can stop it. Boast about your American president and I will boast about a heathen whom the world has fall asleep on. HOW ABOUT DONALD TRUMP? The only thing that’s hindering a healthy brain is BULLSHIT. Now, let’s get busy. Enough of the bullshit.

What if I tell you that there are dozens of politicians, government officials and celebrities, including Harvey Weinstein, Jeff Epstein, Anthony Weiner, Mark Salling and eleven Democratic mayors, who have been arrested or are currently involved in major sex or pedophilia scandals since Trump’s election victory, Will you persecute me? The powerful entities such as the Medias, Law enforcement and the federal Government covering these sexual predators and pedophiles have vigorously been protected for decades but their time is now. Remember, if there’s a beginning, there must be an end. Trump is fully committed to exposing, executing and stopping the sexual criminality and child sex trafficking that’s run rampant in DC and Hollywood for far too long. They will all be punished by the Law as time awaits them.

During Trump’s first month in office alone, do you know that authorities have arrested over 1500 individuals for charges related to pedophilia? The mainstream media not only has refused to cover child sex trafficking among the elites, they’ve actively covered up for pedophiles because many in the media are heavily involved but they have the guts to go after the prey for the same crime they have committed. LET’S EXPOSE THEM ONE BY ONE.

Lee Robert Moore

Former Secret Service agent Lee Robert Moore was sentenced to 20 years in prison on Thursday for sending sexually explicit messages to minors while on duty at the White House. Moore pleads guilty in March to enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity and attempting to transfer obscene materials to a minor. He was fired after his arrest in 2015. Authorities charged California’s former deputy attorney general Raymond Joseph Liddy, 53, with possession of child porn in July after they found images of children engaging in sexual conduct on a computer and a thumb drive in his home. Liddy is the son of former FBI agent and lawyer G. Gordon Liddy. G directed the burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in June of 1972 in the Watergate scandal.

Mark Salling

Mark Salling plead guilty to one possession of child pornography stemming from an indictment filed last year. Former “Sons of Guns” star Will Hayden was sentenced to life in prison in May for raping two children. Hayden was found guilty of repeatedly raping two female victims for years between the age of 11 and 13-years-old. Hayden’s daughter, Stephanie, who also starred on the show, was arrested in 2014 on allegations of child abuse. She allegedly allowed her son to be physically abused by her husband. She said her father preyed on her as a child, and that her father raped one of the alleged victims “almost daily” for a year.

Jeffrey Epstein

Earlier this week news broke that Clinton close ally and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, I call him THE LORD OF THE RINGS has paid $5.5 million to settle lawsuits filed by three of the more than two dozen teens who sued him. Epstein was accused of recruiting dozens of underage girls as sex slaves and for his wealthy friends. He reportedly trafficked many of the minors on his private island that was visited by Bill Clinton about two dozen times according to flight logs. A source claims Hillary went to the island several times as well. On September 25, a judged sentenced Anthony Weiner, another close ally of the Clintons, to 21 months in jail for sexting with a minor. Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, has worked as Clinton’s top aide while she was Secretary of State and during both of her presidential campaigns.

Mayor Bill de Blasio

American Authorities arrested Mayor Bill de Blasio staffer and CNN guest Jacob Schwartz for child porn in New York on May 25. Schwartz had 3,000 images of child porn including the rape of a 6-month-old baby. Schwartz’s father, Arthur Schwartz, is a labor lawyer and a prominent Democratic insider. Even though Schwartz appeared on CNN, the network has refused to cover this story to this day.

Jacob Schwartz

Although most of the elite pedophiles who have been arrested are registered Democrats, there are some big name Republicans involved in pedophilia-related scandals too. Former Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey was charged with child sex trafficking, production of child pornography and two counts of transportation of child pornography involving a prepubescent girl and young boys in March. The former Republican senator attempted to solicit sex from a 17-year-old boy. Shortey was elected to the Oklahoma Senate in 2010 and served till he resigned after his arrest earlier this year. A new accuser filed a lawsuit against Dennis Hastert in May alleging the former Speaker of the House sodomized him decades ago. Hastert was indicted in 2015 for paying hush money to victims he admitted to molesting when they were children as he served as their wrestling coach from 1965 to 1981.

Shockingly, many of the pedophile related arrests under Trump’s Department of Justice have included law enforcement and judicial elites who are in positions that require them to protect children from pedophiles. For example, former Virginia sex crimes detective.

Bruce Arlie Harvey pleaded guilty in August to multiple charges of sex crimes against children. Harvey, who also worked as a karate instructor, sexually abused multiple female students who were approximately 13-years-old. Former Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department psychologist Michael Dane Ward was convicted in August of multiple sexual assaults of two young children. He faces a possible life sentence for the crimes, which involved oral copulation, sodomy and lewd acts on children. These elite pedophile arrests are just the tip of the iceberg and the best is yet to come. You can rest assured that many more elite child sexual predators’ particularly big names in DC and in the entertainment business will be arrested. When the full truth comes out about how rampant child sex trafficking is in this country, particularly among the elites, the public will remember who had the courage to address this horrendous issue and who chose to turn a blind eye to the rape and torture of infants and kids.


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