There’s one question that always dawned on me every time I ponder on it. I notice a great instruction of one significant Commandment in the beginning of creation which the Christian dome is ignorant of. It's One basic principle that relate with time which is the Sabbath. Simply following basic instruction of KEEPING TIME, We cannot. If we can’t simply meet a deadline of pre-instruction given to Mankind to make an appointment, how possible is it to keep other instructions and commandments given to humans? Ponder on that. Examine the history of black race with the fundamental stubbornness or issues of simply meeting up appointments or Timeframe. Please observe the Sun and the Moon and Understand Why people Worship or glorify these two great lights.

They have never missed any of its rotation. Very precise in their movement; trustworthy and reliable.  I will confess that Knowledge is highly important. I am afraid that Lack of this will cause torments, pain and death which Leads to my second question, OBEDIENCE. If we know that Sabbath, which simply means a time of REST was ordered and ushered on Saturday, Why do the exact Opposite? I meant keep TIME by resting on Sunday. I believe the World know that Sabbath lies on Saturday. Again, why simply Keep the day of REST on Sunday? Comment below. He never meant for it to be a burden, or something that would be a huge problem to observe or keep. All he ask from the Very beginning is to simply RELAX/REST. How difficult is that?

The Simplest Commandments in the Holy Scriptures, We failed. DISASTROUS.  It is merely a day where we are to rest and "regroup" and concentrate on Him and realize that we can shake off the dust from the former, week's mistakes, stress, burdens etc. and look forward to a brand new week in Him. This is the necessity cycle of a sound mind, body and Soul. The body needs time to REST to serve itself. For Perfection of the body system to function at it best, Understand the purpose of his Sabbath and you will see the important of REST. However, this does NOT mean we are allowed to arbitrarily break the Shabbat commands to do whatever we wish. Ponder on that. Isn't it a Treasury moment for a Soul to not burn Energy? As the scriptures below reveal, we are NOT to do any work or cause others to work (not even our farm animals), or commit commerce. What a moment of rest.

This is the same privilege of a King sitting on a throne of Power without burning energy as he peacefully and confidentially relaxes. What a privilege. We know issues and nature of Life as there can be emergencies sometimes which will enforce us to mercifully have the freedom to do the needful as a Law abiding citizens of the earth which was implemented under the grace of the MESSIAH HIMSELF under the Second Covenant. Why? Can you die for the SINS of your people? To begin with, you are not PERFECT/BLAMELESS/SINLESS so there's no further discussion. That's the Ultimate principle of Sabbath. To Understand those principles, it takes Wisdom which is Knowledge attain. Know and understand the principles of necessity in Nature then Time or perhaps Sabbath will serve you well. But it is imperative to be able to discern exactly what constitutes a true Emergency.

YHWH told us to "Guard and remember the Shabbat." (Exodus 20:8-11.) And the bottom line is, Shabbat is all about having a real two-way relationship with the ALMIGHTY and MEN. If you carefully examine the Scriptures, more actions are added to Lawfully further understand the significance pertaining to the Sabbath, as Mankind began to destroy themselves internally by breaking his Commandments which resulted to the dispersion of the Hebrews from their Land to strange Lands, this create dis-unification and division among the Hebrews as they began to worship and follow after other gods. I discovered one thing about the Almighty, any modification or reformation of a firm Law, there's always a purpose for such. Don't you think it's very essential or needful for Congregation as pertain to Holy Matters to restore the element of their spirituality back to their dark Minds?

You see why it’s essential to involve ourselves with the gathering of the Saints to tap into their spiritually we once lack, via Bible study and prayer (whether at home or at a congregation); and to spend time with families, or reconnect with friends and even with oneself. Most of all, we are to REST from our daily work, whatever it might be. Of course, the best way to spend Shabbat is with a local congregation where you can fellowship with others in Truth. But not everyone has the luxury, and so we must use discretion to do what we can to make the day joyful and relaxing. The Shabbat initially simply is a day of "rest"; Remember what Christ said, His Yoke is Light not a burden. Enjoy the Sabbath and abide in his ordinances pertaining to such as Fellowshipping, Spending time with Family and Friends, rejuvenate your Body, Mind and Soul and take advantage of such Holy day. Apply discretion when Emergencies and issues of Life arouses. Remember, Sabbath is made for Man (Mark 2:27). 


on Shabbat, you stop doing your income-producing work, and just REST. It's the Creators Commandments NOT your preachers, Godfather, Prophet, Elders, Voodooist, Philosophers, Religion.. Again, Your "usual work" (dishes, house cleaning, lawn mowing, yard weeding, etc. – all those activities can WAIT until Sunday. You can clearly see that Satan has deceived the World. He is the opposite of Truth. He is here for a reason. I highly commend that you ready the Holy Scriptures to stand Firm in his Word. If you Lack Understanding, Simply ask for these Elements).

Remember, Sabbath was made for Man to rest. Whatever you can to entertain yourself, it was made for you.  if you want, Play games with your children, read a book, go to the beach,  take a walk or even a drive somewhere to "get away from it all" (as long as you don't gas up the car or eat/drink at a restaurant, because, again, we're not to break the principle of Shabbat or cause others to work). Just basically RELAX. YHWH just wants your body to recuperate. OBEDIENCE!!!!

"do no work" refers to our income producing work and activities that expand our domain (like mowing the lawn, painting the house, plowing the fields. Things that can wait for another day besides Shabbat)! (Yes, emergencies do arise, so just use some common sense at discretion to attend to them); Study Hebrew 4:16 and humbly ask for Understanding, You will see the beauty and the important of GRACE. You see why it’s essential for GRACE and MERCY in our lives? All praises to the Most High and Christ.

It is important to realize that the Almighty placed tremendous importance upon His "Shabbat" so much so, that He called it a "sign" between Him and His people. A SIGN, hmmm!!!! That's Wisdom. There are Spiritual mark that identity his people from the rest. These are special people of the Most High. The Words SIGN speaks Volume. Please pray and ask for guidance on how to lawfully keep the Sabbath. This is a covenant btw Men that keep his Sabbath and the Almighty.

Exodus 31: 16 "Therefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant. 17 It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.'"
(The truth will always defend itself. No room for error which brings me to my next question. Is this Commandment everlasting or temporarily? The answer is given in the same verse. Carefully examine this in verse 16-17.

The Most high said to the Israelites to KEEP the Sabbath THROUGHOUT THEIR GENERATIONS. Almighty didn't give an order to STOP his Sabbath at a generation. It's important that we know and understand every meaning of words in the Scriptures with in depth study in its context because the same scriptures can mislead us if not read in its proper context. He Simply said its a sign between him and his people FOREVER)

While there are, of course, some circumstances where we are forced to spend money (i.e., your child suddenly has a bad fever and you either need to go to the emergency room or your local pharmacy, etc.) These are sudden issues of Life. Remember, Sabbath is made for Man. We are under grace and not under the curse of the Law.

Leave the dishes for after sunset on Saturday; they're not going anywhere. These types of things will become habit after awhile and they are not that hard to do once you get into the swing of properly observing the Shabbat.

Don't cook on Shabbat – BUT IF YOU DO (after all, YHWH didn't say we couldn't EAT on Shabbat!), make it something quick and easy, something you've either prepared beforehand or that you can just toss into the microwave. In Torah we read that YHWH commanded His people to not gather any manna on Shabbat (Exodus 16); and He said not to build a fire and that's partly because it was a lot of work to build a fire in Old Covenant days. Today, contrary to what some are teaching, turning on our stove to heat soup, or putting it into the microwave is NOT "building a fire" nor is it a lot of work to push a button or flip a switch. suddenly has a bad fever and you either need to go to the emergency room or your local pharmacy, etc.) These are sudden issues of Life. Remember, Sabbath is made for Man. We are under grace and not under the curse of the Law.

Leave the dishes for after sunset on Saturday; they're not going anywhere. These types of things will become habit after a while and they are not that hard to do once you get into the swing of properly observing the Shabbat.

Who Decided On Sunday?
ASunday worship was not practiced according to the Bible, or because of the events of the crucifixion and resurrection. All of the first Christians, including Peter, Paul, all of the apostles, Mary and Joseph, all of the people who wrote the Bible, and Jesus himself, all observed the Sabbath on the seventh day. If the early Fore-runners Apostles that learnt from the Messiah kept the Sabbath before and after his death. In other words, after a new Covenant was initiated to the Hebrews, the Early Christ knew and understand the Law of REST was everlasting NOT for a Certain period of time.

Where did Sunday worship come from?
Sunday worship was not practiced or recognized according to the Holy Scriptures written by the Inspired Men or because of the events of the crucifixion and resurrection. All of the first Christians, including Peter, Paul, all of the apostles, Mary and Joseph, all of the people who wrote the Bible, and the Messiah himself, all observed the Sabbath on the seventh day throughout their lives.

We even know according to the prophetic book of Daniel the Prophet in 7th chapter verse 25 as a reminder of the Yes, long ago God predicted that the heathens would arise who would attempt to change His holy law. Gradually historically, the Roman empire that originally persecuted the believers in the Messiah during the dark ages and began a Roman pagan worship Lifestyle of Worship which was a blend of politics and religion but consisted mostly of Roman paganism included worship of the Roman sun god.

In 321 AD, the Roman emperor Constantine issued an edict which outlawed work on the "venerable day of the sun," Sunday, and within 3 years the "corrected" version of Christianity had become the official religion of the Roman Empire. From that, the Roman Catholic Church began the commonly-accepted Sunday observance of today
by the fourth century, only the Jews (by then the Sabbath was becoming known as the "Jewish" Sabbath), and a relatively few number of Christians continued to observe the original seventh day Sabbath.

Today, the names that are used for the days of the week are all named after the sun, moon, or pagan roman gods. Sunday ("sun" day), Monday ("moon" day), Tuesday ("Tiwe's" day), Wednesday ("Woden's" day), Thursday ("Thor's" day), Friday ("Frie's" day) and Saturday ("Saturn's" day) are all pagan in origin.

Future prophecies concerning the establishment of Sabbath

To prove without a shadow of a doubt that the 7th day Sabbath has not ceased or done away with but will continue to be kept in the in the Kingdom of the Messiah. (Exodus 31:12-17, Isaiah 58:13, 14, Luke 4:16-20, Acts 13, 42-44, Isaiah 66:22-23)

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