Can the wealth, riches and power of a Man profoundly raise awareness of questioning a purpose of his birth? Do an average Man Elevate his spiritual consciousness to understand why his DNA is significant to the planet? Can the poor common man exercise his happiness and his status to make impact to the World? I think we can consider it that this question is highly acknowledged by all the species of life. There may, however, be some who will raise an objection.

This sort of objection is valid only at the very highest mental level to a few that understands the significance of birth and the highest rise of self-distinction. This shouldn't be a timeless thought for someone who himself knows Freedom but for the ordinary common man who does not yet know Freedom shouldn't be a valid objection because he perceive them as meaningless. A person who can't comprehend or understand the core value of life archicterually will thoroughly bound to self-infliction and enslavement of the mind with no sense of purpose. It's like dancing with the wind.

The common natural knowledge is simply just to live has been suppressed away from Man. If we ask a child for what purpose he was born; he will simply say that he was born in order to be able to play games and have fun. A teenage boy or girl is bound to answer that he or she was born for the sake of good looks, dating, flirting and just enjoying Life to the Fullest. And an adult or parent, householder, will probably say he was born to earn a living, take care of his Families and to save up money for his retirement and his children. These are the kinds of answers we are bound to get.

Why have we raised the bar for the need of survival so high that we fight for our basic needs extensively? Should I call this a paradox statement of our reality? The art of allowing paths, opportunities, life to flow and be in subject organically without the intervention of human will has caused pain and agony in our earth such as the educated ones set a lot of value on prestige, they are very concerned about making a name and build a social status for themselves. Such people were born for the sake of name and fame.

In my generation today, I've seen, heard of sensibility that equate their interest such as eating, is a necessity, but people carry it so far that they become infatuated with taste and addicted to eating that they presume it as purpose. At the present time there is evidence of a general increase of interest in food which has enabled people to travel and also earn money. Thanks to YouTube. The rate of increase of newspaper and Tv advertisements promoting the food and the art of eating would Lead one to conclude that Many people are obsessed with eating and worship of food. They live for food only. These born eaters form the first group. The second group comprises of those who were born for sensuality, for every kind of pleasure and delight obtainable by way of eye, ear, nose, tongue, and feeling(5 senses) Most people when they have satisfied themselves with eating go off in search of sense pleasures which defines their purpose. Their subjection to the power of sensuality may be such that they can rightly be described as slaves to it. Even ideas in the mind, the sixth of the senses, which are self-centered intuitive can be a source of delight amounting to infatuation. It can be said that such people live for the sake of sensuality, for the sake of visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, and mental things serving as objects of desire. They constitute the second group.

The third group consists of those born for the sake of name and fame in which Majority falls into this category; these are the Lust of the eyes, Lust of the Flesh and the pride of Life. We are validated by our society of the definition of success by the measure of attaining materialism. Humanity has been deprived from their Natural senses that we simply don't understand the wealth and Value to Life. They have been conditioned to worship prestige, to the extent that they would sacrifice their very lives for it even if it means to inflict pain and distress of the soul and the body. I can't comprehend a Vicious cycle Lifestyle of the prison working system within the same distance for the rest of my life. It’s worse than slavery; of whether the means employed for attaining it bring benefit to others or only to the individual concerned, can still be of considerable worth, and in terms of worldly values is not something to be condemned. But in terms of absolute values, to go so far as to become a slave to name and fame is a tragedy or better yet, the death of the mind.

Examine the Life of the biblical characters and see how they understood Life, the essence and purpose of Living. The survival and pursue of life was minimal as they understood the divinity of natural force. On a scale of 1-10, what rate will you consider the happiness of humanity? I want humanity to ponder on this. Among poorer people, we hear more than anything else of the need to earn a living in order to get the necessities of life. Why work/earn a living just to meet the basic needs of Life? It’s divine. Examine the life of a poor man. Nothing is as important or necessary as earning a living. This then is his major concern, and it can be said that he was born to earn a living which majority has fall victims to this category. He is all the time ploughing his fields, or attending to his business, or whatever it may be, so that this becomes his one and only concern, and he can never have enough of it. The chains of mental slavery are 5,000000000 times more deadly than the Physical. As a Natural being, one is Lifeless.

The Social Status of a Man cannot be enslaved by his soul. In other words, he really feels he was born to earn a living, and has never regarded anything as more important than this. The Spirit of this World has subjected him to working conditions for his needs to be met. The Mortal strength or Force of Man has relentlessly suppressed the spiritual element to approach Life. It is fairly certain that he has moved only among his fellow worldlings and heard only the talk of worldlings which made him to Live, Work and Die. More like a Walking Corpse. No conscious thought. Such a person considers his way of life thoroughly right and proper and worthwhile in his eyes; but in reality he has been misled. The magnitude of such a man's obsession with material things shows that he lives to get much more than just enough to eat.

I wish everyone has to concern him or herself with, and examine, and come to understand clearly why we were born? When we have come to understand properly for what ultimate purpose we are here in this life, we realize that this business of earning a living is something quite abstract. It is subsidiary to another big and important purpose, the real purpose for which we were born. Do we earn a living simply in order to stay alive by endlessly accumulating more and more wealth and property? This is the common belief of Men as their definition of success or a valid purpose of One's Life accomplishment.

Few people stop short at earning just enough to satisfy their basic wants, to feed themselves and family, to provide the necessities for a happy life free from misery. For most people no amount of wealth and property is enough. Most don't know where to stop, and have so much they don't know what to do with it. Religion has a Major belief factor in the Common mind of Men as a sign of Men's faith. Behavior of Life actions is considered, either explicitly or implicitly, to be sinful. In Christianity, the accumulation of more wealth than necessary is explicitly stated to be a sin. Other religions say much the same. A person who goes on endlessly accumulating and hoarding wealth and property, who has become in some way or other infatuated and obsessed by it is regarded as deluded and a sinner. The level of atrocity is distinctly as someone who is a murderer but he is a sinner nevertheless. We ought not to live just in order to go on endlessly accumulating wealth and property. Possessing of Wealth and riches are not essential. It should be acknowledged but disregard it as a core purpose of our existence. We ought to regard it as simply a means to an end but collectively, implementing infrastructures to retain economical balance and management for humanity sake. It's a privilege to attain such but not something to die for.

Now the man who lives for the sake of sensuality ought to give a thought to an old saying: “Seeking pleasure in eating, sleeping, sex and avoiding danger all these, man and beast have in common. What sets man apart is Laws and Order Without these, man are no different from the beasts". We attain higher level of Intelligence and instinct which has been lowered from beast.

Human being has the same feeling as lower animals towards eating, sleeping, sex and danger in the form of disease, pain, and danger. The lower animals can handle these things just as well as human beings. Preoccupation with these things, which any animal has access to, indicates a none too high level of intelligence. And because those objects of sensuality have such an influence over the mind, it is difficult for any ordinary being to recognize them for what they are and break free from them.

Die to live for sensuality by adventurous journey of sight, hearing, smell, taste, body, and mind will never lead to True Liberation of one's purpose. The average run of people is far removed from the top level, the highest stage attainable in human birth. Having become obsessed with obsessed objects leads to a dead end. If this sensuality were really as precious as they seem to think it is, and then they, together with their animal counterparts, ought to be rated the highest part of his creation. Think about it and raise objectives if necessary at the comment section below.

When the majority of people are deluded, slow-witted, undiscerning, lacking any knowledge of Laws and Order at the ultimate level of Spirituality, the things for which they have a high regard and to which they give prestige are bound to be pretty Carnal and Un-substantial in keeping with their ordinary and average sense of values. They are made subjected to the distraction of fulfillment richness of the Soul. Truth cannot be validated by Ignorance. In fact, we invariably find that the more concerned people are with name and fame, the worldlier are the things they rate highly. The person who deserves to be rated highest is the one who is able to renounce worldly values and promote the happiness of mankind; He or she is deemed to be great and Wealthy. The practices we find all the prestige going to the people are responsible for adding to the world's confusion and distress. This is an example of prestige in the eyes of the worldling, the man stuck here in the world as he rotten in confusion back to the dust. What a wasted soul.
To say that we were born to gain prestige is as ridiculous as to say we were born to pursue sensuality or to eat. All these views are equally pitiful.

As soon as a person recognizes and understand his present condition as thoroughly unsatisfactory and in humane and denounce all wishes for anything but the very opposite condition, he will start taking and interest in Divinity of Eternal purpose on why he is born and will set out on the path towards it. What he has to do is have a good look at his own mind and subject it to a deep and detailed scrutiny as the theory of the philosophers as validation to many popular books, movies and seminars to look within oneself to discover one's life meaning/Purpose. This theory has be proven as false. You didn't create yourself, so there's no way you can tell yourself what one were created for. YOU ARE NOT THE CREATOR. In simplest terms, If I show you an invention you had never seen before, one wouldn't know its purpose, likewise the invention itself wouldn't tell you either. Only the Creator of the invention or the Creator's manual can reveal its purpose.

Can you Elevate your Level of Wisdom as i observe this: so even good action, action in no way evil, sinful, unwholesome, does not by any means bring freedom from the unsatisfactory condition. Just as an evil man suffers the torment due to an evil-doer, so a good man too is bound to experience his own natural type of suffering with good conscience. A good man experiences the subtle inconspicuous type of suffering that comes whenever one clings to one's own goodness. So when we examine it as a phenomenon of nature, we find that it is not only the evil man experiencing the fruits of his evil deeds that are whirling around in the cycle of compounding: the good man too, experiencing the fruits of his good deeds, is likewise involved in compounding. Both of them are involved in compounding but the end of the good man thereof will be credited by Nature in positive way. Who created Nature, the ALMIGHTY? There is no end to this process. It goes on and on incessantly.


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