As a child growing up, I never learned self-hatred and low self esteem, the educational and the America system taught me that. They made sure it was part of their core which I couldn’t resist.

Have you ever seen a “smart” kid without a brain? That was me the good guy!
America taught me to hide under my shadow so I can be invisible.

Racism is a bitch! White and black racial war is Filth!!

Have you ever peacefully walk down and your own gorilla looking brother makes fun of  his own root but can’t see the gorilla in himself? This is why I call it filth.

America taught me this, no regrets, but can you blame the black folks when they’ve been labeled all kinds of dirty names, mistreated  and maltreated; physically, mentally, and spiritually abused and the only people they can feel superior to take this out on is the black folks from Africa?

I am one of them!

My parents never cared; get good grades, be a good citizen and be humble among Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Snakes, and Scorpions is all they cared. Now, something is wrong with that!!!

America didn’t buy into that bullshit but yet consider the greatest nation that ever existed. It did the opposite of what my parents told me. Think about that. My mother, the most loving woman that ever existed taught me one thing that made me somebody today: FREE-SPIRITED!!!

That stuff feels good. It’s priceless! If all I have is 5 dollars to purchase it, it’s a treasure above my food. If I have to hustle to get it, it’s worth it. You wanna know why? Because that’s your bullet proof to survive in the most ungodly nation from the history of the planet.

As my mother taught me that, the Higher taught me two things:

  • Be spiritual
  • Eat right (this, which I ever understood why)

10 years later, I figured it out!

All the gorilla looking brothers from 10 years back are either fat, broke, single or in prison (Physical or Mental).  That’s when I knew the higher power was up to something. Even the chicks back then were under my feet. That stuff felt good while the rest is history.

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