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What we are looking and in searching for is one element away from the answer which is KNOWLEDGE. The absence of knowledge has deprived us from greatness and honor that awaits us. The black race has despised KNOWLEDGE and we can see the results. I want to ask a reasonable logical question, especially to those that live in the continent of Africa. We ought to know where our parents came from. Has anybody ever dawned on them to ask our fore-fathers how they migrate to Africa? In all history of Life, we have read the migration of our ancestors in every generation. So my question to the continent of Africa since it’s the beginning of all civilization. Which region of the world did our ancestors dwell before the middle passage. Where is the hidden history of Migration by our ancestors into Africa? Many African countries, especially the West doesn’t know their history before the early 1940’s.

Why have the Educational System abandoned such critical relevant topic? Is there an agenda against the black race to exterminate their history by the Global Elite to ignore the significance of black history? Why has history been distorted from the African educational system? What role has history played in our World? This has become a global issue which MUST be addressed. We don’t even know who are and what we represent to the earth. Why is the African Man and Woman world-wide shocked once they discover who they truly are? The astonishing black civilizations started in Africa of all era and its magnificent empires of its kind. Let me start with a pinch of Knowledge. What if I tell you that you are the Hebrew Israelites of the bible, would you believe me? I’m not a comedian. I might write like one but I’ll leave it in the air. YOU ARE A HEBREW ISRAELITE, THE AFRICAN JEW. 

Do you know the Magnitude of such title labeling? This is something the other nations of the earth, including the white folks wish they can claim. IT’S YOUR BIRTHRIGHT FROM THE HEAVEN. Let’s rip the heart out. Since the tribes of Israel were declared lost, and the remnants of the nation of Israel were subsequently scattered to the four corners of the earth, many have come forward proclaiming that they are the true descendants of Israel descendants of Israel. Not knowing one’s history can cause people to have a lower opinion of themselves. Knowledge of the past is what creates self-worth in people. In the movie “Roots” Kunta Kinte had this self-worth because he knew his past his history. Thus the whipping scene is the attempt by his new masters to strip him off his past. By denying him his past, his self-worth is removed. The sad thing is, slavery succeeded in doing this to millions of black people. Once people lose their self-worth, they stay that way and pass on this sense of worthlessness to their descendants and cause them to suffer from self-esteem problems. The only way to
counter this crime is to teach our people their history. By doing so it raises awareness of who we are and our self-worth which brings dignity and power. The World knows who we are but ourselves. Hmm!!! Is this a coincidence? HELL NO. They know who we are. Let’s have a glimpse of politricks.

I needed that word instead of politics. NO MAN can save the black race from their condition. Where are the ACTIVIST, FREEDOM FIGHTERS, REVOLUTIONALIST, SOCIAL CRITICS, WARRIORS, and JUDGES? I SALUTE their area of human Mechanism and their purpose which I believe it’s necessary but there seems to be one thing common among these significant Men. Lack or Absence of this LUMINARY ELEMENT: WISDOM which is KNOWLEDGE ATTAIN. It kills me when I see these beloved brothers of mine getting butchered by the system. This lack of information can lead to all sorts of problems we would not be equipped to solve. As God said in the book of Hosea; For lack of knowledge my people are destroyed. Hosea 4:6.

YAH dispersed the Hebrews around the world for a time which was prophesied by Yahushua the Christ which led to the destruction of Israel during 70AD as the Hebrews (so called Africans) flee deeply into Africa until they are repentant and return to Him (Matthew 24:1-2), They will continuously have tribulation and humiliation around the world as we see these curses in our very eyes. If the Israelites don’t even know their true identity, they will not understand why they have all these problems. They might even conclude they are inferior beings, hence the reason for their lack of progress in the world as they are at the bottom chain in all dynamics of Life. Knowledge of our true identity changes the ignorance of inferiorism. Once they know who they are, it brings a sense of power and courage, which then leads to change of character and thus save themselves. All nations of the earth had contributed to the destruction of the Israelites to be a nation in exile to no longer be remembered in history.

Look at the Condition of our people. We have been beaten, experimented in their Laboratories for medical purposes as animals. We’ve been disintegrated, tortured, Maltreated, cheated, colonized, racially profiled, Mocked and many shameful things. No other nations of the earth have suffered in the hands of the oppressors than the black race; either in Africa or abroad. The Most religious race on the planet earth but ironically, we are far from blessed but rather cursed if you truly examine the economic chain of the black race. Oh Hebrews, how soon will you realize that 99.9% of all the prophecies in the Holy Scriptures are about you? I HOPE WHAT I AM ABOUT TO WOULDN’T SOUND BLASPHEMY. DO YOU KNOW THAT THE MOST HIGH IS THE ONE THAT PUT US IN SLAVEY? DO YOU ALSO KNOW THAT NO MAN CAN SAVE US OR REDEEM US FROM OUR PRESENT CAPIVITY; EITHER IN AFRICA OR ABROAD?

I REPEAT, NO MAN. Moses told Israel that if they didn’t cleave unto the voice of the Most High, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes, that curses shall come upon them, and overtake them. So this was the warning that was given unto Israel by the Most High through Moses which we made a covenant with the Almighty. Who broke the Covenant? That’s a question and please leave your comments below. In Chapter 28 verse 15 – 68 we find out that these curses shall also come upon the seed (children) of Ancient Israel – And they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder, and upon thy seed forever. So in order to identify who the children of Israel seed are today, we must examine who fulfill the curses that are written of in Leviticus26 and Deuteronomy 28, and in other prophecy.

The evidence of Truth is printed upon the face dark face of the earth full of pain and sorrow; crying out to her husband to keep the Yahuahua(Almighty) divine Laws to inherit Wisdom, power and wealth All African nations are suffering from the bitterness and suffering of the land which yields nothing but anguish and pain. I challenge the Philosophers, protesters, activist, journalist, writers and socialist to understand one thing. Nothing can progressively change our condition with the level of intelligence and boldness to fight against the ordained Evil Cabals that has surrounded the edges of that continent. The shift of change throughout the course of history has favored his chosen people to rule with iron hand against our oppressors and slave masters in all shape, color and form but we have neglected the weightily matters which simply is to keep his SIMPLE LAW that govern us to be civilized and upright so the earth and the force of nature can fight for us. I will say this, we are of our enemies.

The mirror of our shadow has been shattered by our reflection. The earth is weak and we are getting close to the end this dreadful kingdom (Roman Empire) which has fulfill its purpose needed to rise the dry bones back to live. It’s very essential. That’s the plan and no one can overthrow this Empire. I REPEAT NO ONE can overthrow this Empire. History has proven that we are dug our graves and buried ourselves into the bottomless pit. I cry for the Widows, orphanage ones, helpless and the innocent children. Oh Yahuahua will recompense his Judgments against his people. There is an exact numbers of years that he has marked for the liberation of his people wherever there are scattered throughout the four corners of the earth. It’s not just a random decision of when he is ready but a calculated time of vengeance and restoration. WE ARE VERY CLOSE. He is ready but we are not.

I must say this, 2019 is a year of Judgment for every nation upon the earth especially where his people are scattered. He is shaking and filtering the political entities and the powerful leaders of the world by subjecting them to shame and ridicule by the laws of Men to be punished. His people are suffering from economic crises, Identity crises, WHITE SAVIOR and Lack of power which has temporarily left his people due to IDOLATRY and go against his COMMANDMENTS. We can’t escape it until we go back to our source of originality and spirituality. Mighty people with honorable titles such as Royalties, Kings, Prince and Queens have now become cursed and subject to slaves. From the top, competing for glory against the two lights in space to the thorns of the earth. ISRAEL AWAIT US as I begin to reveal the signs of the cursed people and how we can identify these people as the signs follows them wherever they may be. It will the spitted our in PART II.

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