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Moment of Silence for the ancestors. Moment of Silence for the Roman’s. Moment of Silence for the Vatican. Moment of Silence for Satan. Africans, Why? Why have you forsaken your ancestors? Why? Moment of Silence to the Northerners in Nigeria. I said moment of Silence again to the Northerners; simplicity and Integrity must submit to their existence. I wish white folks can get married twice then I have no reason to sleep sideways in the middle of night, surrounded by darkness as my brain circulate in confusion. Why? It’s very direct. Why get married twice? White wedding my feet. Tell the animals in the forests such foolishness. Again, if white folks practice traditional wedding then you will see me in suit and my lady in white gown with a flower.

Can you imagine a white washed preachers in his suit, filled with white washed congregation and the most white washed sermon! I won’t hold my peace because this is Madness. Every time I participate in such, I pray there is a nearby gas station to save my life. Look at me, my name is Adewale, Can you find any intimate relationship between my name and a suit? Lol. What a Comedian! I’m the type of brother that can invite lions, hyenas, Leopards to a party, we keep it real in our natural form. Ponder on this; How did we soak ourselves in this tradition? Who influenced us? Why get married on Friday, only to wake up the next day(Saturday) to another? What is the purpose of it? You are the one that will end of broke not the white folks. There will be a day that I will upset a new couple in these churches before they kiss each other. I hope I don’t spend the night in jail. Africans and their extra curriculum activities.


Emancipate yourselves from Mental Slavery and learn the Customs and Traditions of our Ancestors relatively to marriage. Embrace your roots and rise up to the occasion. You came from one continent, been the original people, act like it. Do away with colonial mentality. Activate your pride to reveal the glory in traditional marriage, idolize it and you will ride above the clouds like an eagle. You live in Rome, act like the Romans, *BULLSHIT*.

Do you believe that white folks are the Masters as you are the slave? Do you believe that White folks are more superior to you? Do you also believe that white folks are God, ye are the Devil? Must you replicate their philosophies into the traditions of your ancestors? If the White folks only recognize one wedding, why get married twice? Where are the Elders? The Law keepers that practices the traditions of my ancestors? Why have you shut your mouths and hidden your patriotic character to the next generation? Why have you let the sons and daughters consume themselves in Foolishness? Why have you refuse to treat the sick patients that need medical attention?

White folks uphold *integrity*; though, in their total ignorance, but they earn my respect. How? They are all part of the roman pride. “DO ART THOU WILL” and all the rest of Mankind shall follow. Isn’t it? Suit and Tie is one formal dressing I hate; No difference than one been in shackles according to my perception. “Dress nice”, “Look Formal”, “Look Smart” and all other commentaries is like me trying to save my people from Economic Depression. I just couldn’t breathe in those outfits. Makes me feel like the Anti-Christ. My body just can’t stand it. Visualize a goat in suit and tie, that’s me. I’ll trip on my own success lol. This is the royal African black pride in me. This is my originality and authenticity. This is who I am. Adewale will represent everywhere globally. I will make my ancestors proud.


The salt of the earth, why have you surfaced your customs and traditions? Please, Visualize this and activate your brain to better serve you: Why get married twice? What set of foundation are you laying down for the next generation? If our parent has failed us, do we have to fail the next generation? Don’t you see the integrity and togetherness of the White folks? Replicate such to embrace and promote your traditions. Ye all African nations and all the blacks in the western world, let’s do away with the roman traditions of wedding. Stand up for your own and make the living dead proud. The God of Abraham only recognize the true customs and traditions of marriage which the traditions of our ancestors. This is Adewale and I approve this message.


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