Hello Ladies and gentlemen of all age brackets. Middle eastern, hear me out, Africans, hear me out, Asians, hear me out, White folks, you also hear me out. This is Adewale and you will approve this message because I am about to make the world uncomfortable. You should know me by now. I wonder while people lie! Don’t you know you have to crack your brains to vomit out more lies to cover that one lie? Why can’t you embrace integrity and allow the truth to prevail without suppressing it? Just Word of Wisdom. Truth is the Master as it has set an example for all beings, you look for it to caged it, he can never display himself, people can see his light which are the beings that upholds his element. You literally have to caged/kill the souls of Men to silence it. How many souls do you want to silence? Now, Can you see the level of your “Intelligent”? You see the beginning of chaos?

How can a Negro wash away the sins of his people and also humanity is the Mentality of these superior races? I mean, look at the lifestyle and economic inferiority of the same people of his colour and race here on earth; it’s a total taboo to admit our servitude under their Oppression State. Do me a Favour, go and hug a Transformer and wait for the result. A time is coming that all NATIONS OF THE EARTH, from Great to small will bow on their feet to the Africans and those of African descendants of all colours and languages. Set up all your weapons and satellite in space to fight against the Messiah and all the angels at his second coming, your corpses has been prepared for those. This is not fiction but rather truth. Yes, I’m delusional, crazy, retarded or hallucinating but I’ll get the last laugh. I really mean it, I’ll get the laugh.


Have you ever seen one bathing in blood? This will be the colour garment of the Messiah and the Legions of Angel’s. In other words, it’s time to kill. Hold on, don’t panic. My statement should be interpreted as literal. I deal with reality not illusions.

Africans are blind as a bat, white folks have felt good in past times and present in their own ignorance, Asians has created their own messiah, and Indians are confused while Arabs will die for Muhammad.

Bravo to the White folks; The Cleverest ones of them all. I’ll explain. I just feel sorry for the Africans in the Land. A lot of Madness surrounds that continent. They rather embrace their African roots before humans. Only, if they know that the first spiritual man created by the Almighty looks like them. Yes, we are inferior in our mental state and economically, but don’t you feel a sense of superiority if you have a Messiah paintings that looks just like you in your synagogues and mosques that you worship? This is also idolatry but digest that into your spirit. If worshipping a white folk in your churches and your sense of belief presume to be the savior, Look at the damage that has done to the black race mentally and Psychologically. Why can’t you do the opposite? It’s a question that demands answers. You want to be empowered but your spirituality lies in the hands of your opposition. How does one connect the dot? I’ll tell you what; white folks will not tolerate such. You are demanding for race war.

One of the most hijacked clones in the history of the word is related to religion. It’s worse than slavery because this is spirituality. The most fraudulent criminals in the history of mankind is these two white folks. I’ll reveal their name soon. Are you aware that all of the images and paintings that were displayed in churches today are of a guy by the name of Caesar Borgia? In case you’ve never heard of this name before, Cesare Borgia was an Italian Mobster and Captain in the Papal Military during the 1500’s. He was also the son of Pope Alexander VI, of Rome. In an effort to keep black slaves oppressed so they could sustain their ruler ship in Rome, anything for power must be accomplished. Examine the world today and you can see no difference. Pope Alexander VI hired Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo to paint all of the images of The Black Christ in Europe in the image of his son César Borgia. What a name! The name sounds Italian to me.

Since both of these artists were well known, a competition broke out between the two, to see who could impress the Pope more by making a new image the Pope’s son that would deceive the world into thinking that Cesare was Jesus. This is the beginning of chaos. You see the filthy goals by these two idiots want to accomplish? #Foodforthought, if your goal or drive is to impress a mortal man to birth evil, you need to be turned to a stone by magicians. What a wretched souls. The majority of the images displaying the White European looking Jesus that we see in paintings today at churches and Christian stores, intact the entire world is actually a picture of César Borgia and NOT the Messiah. Look at the behaviour and the spirit of White Folks and their dark souls, let keep it in context. One sense of reasoning should indicate a red flag there of hijacked identity. Leo and Michelangelo didn’t just stop there, they painted all of the people of the bible to be white, and deceiving the entire world of what the people of the book really looked like. Watch Netflix, YouTube and other trending platform’s, it’s available in broad day light.


For all the white folks reading this article, majority, if not all minds are trembling. They can’t phantom these radical words of mine in truth. I will encourage you to finish reading this article so your conscience will be mindful of this. Can you challenge yourself and pledge to your existing that you will always stand for truth rather than searching for rage in your hearts to speak all manner of ignorance’s in close doors. Once this step has been taken, Step on your toes by telling your neighbours this sacred subject. Provoke them to Anger by challenging their idolatrous spirit. Whew!!!! That’s like asking of trump head for 2 trillion dollars. Speaking if trump, one if the most respected man in my book. Don’t ask me Why Americans and the World hates him.

I hate Idolatry, I really do. It drives me nuts when I see Humans, especially the Africans/blacks/Hebrews, serving idols. These idols don’t talk, move, reason, eat, and hear. I just don’t get it. You ignore the Supreme Being that creates the Whole Universe only to serve Wood and Stones? Hmmm!!!! Ponder on that first a second. Humanity has degraded themselves by worshipping a *Thing*. This is the beginning of Madness; I also put these people in the same category (People that idolize materialism). The minds of Africans are perverted and feeble. Look at what these two devils has infiltrated in your mind. Can you see the damage they’ve done in our own ignorance? Over time, these false images have saturated the minds of the masses to such a degree that the notion of the messiah being black, sounds like a lie. Many people, especially our people, regard the notion of the messiah and the disciples being black as an attempt to instil black pride in our race, rather than considering if it could be true or not. America has brainwashed us so much that when you try to tell our people the truth, they can’t receive it because they have been taught so long to believe in lies. What is the Lie? White folks are God and Superior while black is inferior and Slaves, Wretched Mentality.


Even more than Jesus’s look, we know that Jesus was a brother from the way he lived and died. He was not from the dominant group. He was a revolutionary, a radical brother born into poverty and barred from entering certain spaces. As a child, he had to escape his home country in order to dodge being killed by the man (aka the King). He spent much of his life oppressed and on the run from the authorities, yet he still found time to drop knowledge and drink wine with His friends and the sick (Spiritually) ones. His end begins with Him getting snitched on by his own brother which is the same similar case by the revolutionist that existed in past times as history repeat itself. He was wrongfully arrested and then, in front of a crowd, He’s was lynched. That definitely sounds like a brother to me. Read your history books, this is the similar cruel punishment the brothers pass through for standing up for truth and against injustice. They don’t make them anymore. The government won’t allow such in today world. You are looking for trouble if you rebel against the system. Souls now are cheap. The oppression Jesus battles throughout His life and His constant mistreatment by the government of his time puts Him to death with the help of his own brothers and sisters. Jesus story is reminiscent and a primary example of the Black experience, where the state functions as an oppressive force, destroyed your life with their vicious systems and illogical laws written by corrupt Men. When you try to change the world, think of Dr. King, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, Patrice Lumumba, Steve Biko, Maurice Rupert Bishop, Frederick Douglas, Paul Bogle, Nanny – Maroon leader, Dick Gregory and Many more. When you speak out you get snuffed out. But, like so many who die tragically in the ‘hood, he ended up with the ultimate mural: His image painted across the globe. And yet, nowadays, despite living that Black life, Jesus looks like the face of white supremacy, Right?

It gets interesting from here henceforth and burdensome because I will reference the Holy Scriptures. This is where people scratch their heads and tremble lol. If you’re one of these people who can’t receive the truth because of your pre-programmed beliefs, then don’t take my word for it, let’s goes to the scriptures and see what colour the messiah was there.

The Black Messiah in the Bible

His head and hair were white [pure] like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters. Revelation 1:14-15
In the verse above, John reveals to us how the Messiah will look when he returns to bring judgement to the world. He states that the messiah’s hair is white and woolly. If you know a wise man, examine the colour of his head. That is his glory. His feet are similar to brass that was burnt in a furnace. Brass is already brown, like a doorknob, so anything burned has to get very dark and since His feet were the same colour as the rest of his body, which means his skin complexion was dark brass or have a man with his upper body dark skin and his lower body white as the white folks? If you know of one, run; he is not human. This is exactly the colour that Josephus described him as a being. But let’s go to the so-called old testament of the bible and get another witness of how the messiah appears, for every two witness, a word shall be established.

“I watched till thrones were put in place, and the Ancient of Days was seated; His garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head was like pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire.  Daniel 7:9
In the verse above, Daniel agrees 100% with John that the messiah has pure woolly hair and we all know that we black people are the only ones with woolly hair. So don’t let America and the rest of the world continue to fool you into thinking that the messiah was white; The white folks messiah is white indeed but the Messiah of the Holy Scriptures is African, not just that but also a black brother. It is a lie from the pits of hell that they have been brainwashing our minds with ever since we arrived here.


Some might say, “Well so what if the Messiah is black, colour doesn’t matter” but that is an ignorant point of view. If colour didn’t matter, then why did they go through all of the trouble to paint our Messiah their colour? Why did john have to describe the complexion of the Messiah if colour doesn’t matter? It’s in the Holy Scriptures for a reason. Tell the World the truth. Obviously colour matters! If it didn’t, they would have left him black, and told our ancestor’s the truth about who the people of the book were. Instead, they told them lies so they could pass those lies down to us in hopes that we would never find out that Yahusha (whom the world calls Jesus) was black and that we are God’s chosen people, whom the entire bible was written about.
Take this another pill and swallow. The Holy Scriptures is an African book.
I know that the information I presented to you today might be hard pill for you to swallow, but instead of ignoring what you just read, how about doing some due diligence to see if what I said is true. If it’s true, what will be your next plan of action? Follow the instructions that The Most High gave us and “prove all things” (1 Thessalonians 5:21) and “study to show yourselves approved” (2 Timothy 2:15). Not only on this subject, but on all subjects, then the sun can be your best friend. It would be a terrible thing to believe in something your entire life, only to find out that is was lie after you die. It’s better to be blind that believe after you cease to exist.

This is a Message to the World. What profit do you derived discrediting one’s existence, changing skin colour and promote race and skin supremacy? Those two traitors that changed the image of Christ are dead. Their spirits has no resting place as they are weeping. Final Judgement awaits them as they will be resurrected in the latter days for judgement.


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