The Dark Age of Social Medias and It’s Algorithms Based on Facts

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I have a question that dawned on me every day. Have we become less or more happy in this age of technology? Please comment below.

White Folks and the Silicon Valley, you know what, I’ll take that back, White Folks and Technology. What an era of dehumanization. You really need the magical glasses to see what I see. They just can’t seem to amaze me. I know their dirt and their filth. If you understand the nature of a Devil, you will understand the Nature of these White Folks. Hahahahahahaha!!!!! What a Character. I must confess. They got the remote to the psychology and behavioral pattern of human beings. Yes, I firmly believe that. I now understand what mental slavery is.  

Oh God of Israel, save our soul from the technology age and its algorithms. Our brains are in their database. For someone to modify the behavioral pattern of humans is quite disturbing. Please, I want your natural thinking ability for 30min and think with me. It’s very essential. We are all domesticated dogs with chains of radicalized behavior without any help. Why do people leave their own websites to chase and promote gigantic existed tech platform such as YouTube which you’ve probably don’t know the owner, location, the inventiveness of the platform and likewise don’t care? You make money. I get it. That’s the motivation behind our unnatural behavior.

YouTube owned by Google pay millions and millions of YouTubers unimaginable exuberant amount of money just to take videos and talk, and then upload them on their platform. Do you ever wonder, why is it so easy to make money on YouTube besides companies advertising/Commercializing their markets/goods/products and sponsorship from the Government and rich billionaires? Do you think the white folks are that stupid to pay you such amount to take videos? Understand the nature of a Devil and you will see the coded message.

It’s just like a stranger who came to your house and gave you a brand new car on one condition, if you test drive it for 2 hours while he wait at your house. You know where this leads to. Something is fishy. Same applicable to rich tech corporations paying you to take videos. Do you know there are over 1 billion active YouTubers account with over 4.5 billion user on planet earth? How do they manage to pay these people? Oh man!!! What is so important to them for them to pay such? What is the motive, aim, agenda? These are questions overflowing through my conscious mind? Satan the devil and its mastery. I will tell you a powerful truth.

Do you know that rich white billionaires pay big gigantic tech companies such as Facebook to get our data’s and information? What for? That’s the scariest thing which is a Mystery to me. What if I tell you that Facebook is one EVIL platform that intentionally gets people addicted just to make money as we are the product of money? I compare it to Coke on a Super bowl Sunday with bunch of White folks as you have been pressured to smoke just to be cool. The core process which I call buy 1 get 1 free that allows social media to make money and likewise also does damages to the society is behavioral modification. That’s why I call it addiction which obviously has made humans crazy.

Do you see what Social Media has done to humanity which has made humans so sensitive and Vulnerable to social status and competition in a Virtual World that only exist on a Platform? It’s not a Coincidence. There is a Statistical Computing device machine stored in a Cloud called BUMMER. Very influential that it’s responsible for the misbehavioral misconduct of humans. Why do people get nasty online and why does it happen? Why is attention a reward to most BUMMER users which has turned a lot of people into assholes and Dutch bags? I see a pattern here and they know their missions.

Fake people can only have access to Fake power and wealth. I will mention Trump, Look at what the bummer has dome to him. Look at his behavioral pattern. The Most powerful Man in the World is on Twitter. I watch and study his behavior. He doesn’t know that he has been manipulated by the BUMMER. As a Twitter addict, he has changed into a big asshole subconsciously. The most powerful man on the earth is on Social Media; it robs you away from your real power and turns you into nobody.

He has lost control which has made him not the most powerful Man in the real World by the BUMMER effect. He is also a victim and he doesn’t know it. People don’t understand the true Way to gather authentic natural riches, wealth and power rather than the Virtual Sweat and Actions. The default purpose of manipulation is to get more people glued in by spending more time in the platform. The Most Fucked up people are the ones glued on social Media. Why? BUMMER platforms are responsible for that. I’ll break it down.

Do you believe that certain posts, videos, pictures makes you sad, angry, jealousy, happy and such, do you agree? For example if a post makes you sad and there’s an algorithm that’s trying to make you sad, then there will be more sad post. Imagine all your days consuming such energy. That’s a Zombie. The Social Media of the Past was very basic. No customization, tweaks, deliberate algorithms, post of good content with comments, clicks of loves and likes. Bummer is horrifying.

These past couples of years, I’ve witness people insulting each other, fighting over posts, tearing each other down to get likes and loves. Craziness and Madness everywhere just to gain popularity, money and Fame. Imagine the World of social status justified by the numbers of followers with fake lifestyles and people. Do you see what the rich billionaires have done to humanity? Do you see the craziness, madness and Foolishness in our generation for the sake of Social Media?

They have ultimately rob us from our free will, disconnected us naturally and realistically even though we are “Connected”; which may seem less stressful and more intimacy with just a click away but if you carefully observe our World, it has bring the worse and best demons in us all for the sake of Technology (Social Media and other Techs engine) and poisoned our mind by these Devils experimenting our behavior with the power of Technology.

Back then, they will have to drug us or to kill us to experiment our behavior but in our modern age, it’s all done through Technology but we just can’t see it. The Virtual World has turned many into Pathetic Zombified human beings. Compare and Contrast the behavior patterns and Cycle of our Fathers and now. Do you see the difference? Seen people throwing punches in real world over a post a “nobody” commented. I am not ignorant of what’s to come. In fact, it’s here. Earning money by letting some Evil billionaires modify our behaviors. This BUMMER has turn people into Illusionaires and Soft. Truth have been suppressed and hated.

How can we remain autonomous in a world where we are under continual surveillance and are constantly being prodded by algorithms run by some of the richest corporations in history that have no way of making money other than being paid to manipulate our behavior? How could the “benefits” of social media possibly outweigh the catastrophic losses to our personal dignity, happiness, and freedom? There is more to come. This is just to test the waters to stir up the Mind of the Masses to rethink, reevaluate and be honest to ourselves of what they’ve done to us.

To give room for discussion that will end the exploitation of humans by the Evil rich entities. I called it Eugenics which is Socially engineered with the subtly use of Technology as they can easily remotely manipulate humans for their own (Globalist including the Tech companies) purpose. This is such an evil pulse towards humanity and actions must be taken now to stop the globalist. 

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