The Genesis Flood is Local NOT Global. PART I

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Adewale again and I approve this message. I have nothing to loose so let’s hit the hammer on the nail. The beauty of the bible has brought confusion to the masses because they err not knowing the scriptures. The problem with humanity is the Holy Scriptures has been presuming as a novel or Wikipedia where you read literally. Give me a good reason why the Almighty will give understanding to humanity? Don’t you know it’s a deliberate act by whom that governs the World and his word, compile in a book? It’s a simple code that mere mortal can’t solve. Another will say it’s a mystery.

Understand this, the world is evil and it’s only a few among the few that will understand the book. Where are your bible scholars, your rabbis, researchers and your tourist? One word awaits you; disappointment and Confusion. believe it. That settles it!” The phrase is a common argument used for those who call for the “literal reading” of the bible in which billions of people have stumbled upon. Many who claim to be literalists apparently do not believe everything the Bible says. Creation events clearly say that the Almighty caused the original global seas to be restricted – never to cover the entire earth again. The Genesis flood event itself says that the water covered “the entire earth” even though Noah could see the distant mountains, indicating that the “earth” was just the entire land of Mesopotamia.

Precept must be upon precept, line must be upon line, here a little, and there a little is how you read the Holy Scriptures. I’m revealing the secret to the masses but better yet, the pride and ignorance in Man won’t be possible. That is the evil in Men. #Foodforthought
Where are all the disciples of the Messiah? Hear me out, it’s meant for you to know and understand the mysteries of the Holy Bible. Many Christians maintain that the Bible says that the flood account of Genesis requires an interpretation that states that the waters of the flood covered the entire earth, which I can see why. If you read our English Bibles, you will probably come to this conclusion if you don’t read the text in its original text and if you fail to consider the rest of the Bible precepts. Like most other Genesis stories, the flood account is found in more places than just Genesis. If you read Psalm 104, you will discover directly the flood eliminates any possibility of been global. To accept the flood been global, you must reject Psalm 104 and the simplicity of the Bible, isn’t it?

Why don’t you humble yourself and incline your ears to truth? You see why the word of the Almighty has no remorse for any one state of soul. It disregarded your existence but rather in essence of its true nature, which is called Truth. Kindly follow up with me, as it will behoove you what you are about to see. If you need a break, this is the best time because you need it. If you are hungry, go and eat. If you busy, I’ll recommend you tag along with me during your leisure time. Time wait for no one so catch me later. If you are babysitting, attend to the baby’s need. Trust me, this article will be here. Don’t look for me on YouTube because you will not find me there. The Communist social media Platforms that established their evil platforms in Silicon Valley don’t have any rights to ban any of the articles I wrote. Why? Because this is my Platform. YOU READY UNIVERSE?

Ask yourself this question. After the flood, the waters covering the earth surface will have had to go somewhere, isn’t it?
Psalm 104 describes the creation of the earth in the same order as that seen in Genesis 1 (with a few more details added). It next describes the formation of a stable water cycle (verses 3-5, which is the precept to Genesis 1:6-8). The earth is then described as a planet completely covered with water (verse 6, is a precept to Genesis 1:9). God then causes the dry land to appear (verses 7-8, is a precept to Genesis 1:9-10). The verse that eliminates a global flood follows: “You set a boundary they [the waters] cannot cross; never again will they cover the earth.” (Psalm 104:9) Obviously, if the waters never again covered the earth, then the flood must have been local. How can the universe miss this? This is the Simplicity in the Holy Scriptures. Psalm 104 is just one of several creation verses that indicate that the Almighty prevented the seas from covering the entire earth. An integration of all flood and creation passages clearly indicates that the Genesis flood was local in geographic extent not global. STOP reading the bible from a global perspective; it’s very toxic and Indoctrinative. Do you even know that the Bible is an African book? For the white folks, don’t run away. I’ll encourage to finish this article because you have a tendency to close this article, delete trwth radio app from your phone and pretend that this article never exist.
The Bible says water covered the whole earth. Really?

When you read an English translation of the biblical account of the flood, you will undoubtedly notice many words and verses that seem to suggest that the waters covered all of planet earth. However, one should note that today we look at everything from a global perspective, whereas the Bible nearly always refers to local geography. You see these devils! You see their plans? Why tamper with the original text! You see the confusion in different translations? Don’t you know that the Almighty is not the author of Confusion? Do you see many handprints in the Holy text? Do you see the confusion all in the name of different translations has done to the World? This is a deliberate act. Understand this, it’s a deliberate act I tell you. You may not be able to determine this fact from our English translations, so we will look at the original Hebrew, which is the word of the Most High. The Hebrew words which are translated as “whole earth” or “all the earth” are kol (Strong’s number H3605), which means “all,” and erets (Strong’s number H776), which means “earth,” “land,” “country,” or “ground.”4 We don’t need to look very far in Genesis (Genesis 2) before we find the Hebrew words kol berets.

• The name of the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole [kol] land [erets] of Havilah, where there is gold. (Genesis 2:11)
• And the name of the second river is Gihon; it flows around the whole [kol] land [erets] of Cush. (Genesis 2:13)

Obviously, the description of kol erets is modified by the name of the land, indicating a local area from the context. In fact, the term kol erets is nearly always used in the Old Testament to describe a local area of land, instead of our entire planet. Now, can you see the crack in the fabric or can you now smell the chemicals my friend?

The “whole earth” often refers to the people not geography
However, there are many more examples of where kol erets is used without reference to any specific land, although the context clearly indicates a local area. For example, in Genesis 11 (the Tower of Babel) the text says, “the whole [kol] earth [erets] used the same language.” We know that this reference is not really to the earth at all (and certainly not to the “whole earth”), but rather to the people of the earth, who all lived in one geographic location. It wasn’t until later that the Almighty scattered the people over the face of the earth. The Almighty himself designed the bible is such coded way; Understand? The Holy Scriptures cannot reveal himself to all humanity. Why? It will hold no value or place in one’s heart. It’s revealed himself to those that search for it constantly. It’s a treasure. Only way to hold a value of anything is to make it available to the few. There are many other examples of where kol erets actually refers to people rather than the geography of the “whole earth”:

• Shall not the Judge of all [kol] the earth [erets] deal justly?” (Genesis 18:25) (God judges the people of the earth, not the earth itself)
• Now behold, today I am going the way of all [kol] the earth [erets], and you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word of all the good words which the LORD your God spoke concerning you has failed; all have been fulfilled for you, not one of them has failed. (Joshua 23:14) (Joshua was going the way of all people in the earth, whose ultimate destiny is death.)
• And all [kol] the people of the land [erets] entered the forest, and there was honey on the ground. (1 Samuel 14:25) (The words “the people of” are added to the English, since they are not found in the Hebrew. The actual translation would be “all the land entered the forest,” obviously referring to the people and not to the land itself moving into the forest.)
• While all [kol] the country [erets] was weeping with a loud voice, all the people passed over. (2 Samuel 15:23) (Obviously, the earth cannot weep with a loud voice.)
• “I am going the way of all [kol] the earth [erets]. Be strong, therefore, and show yourself a man. (1 Kings 2:2) (David was going the way of all people in the earth, whose ultimate destiny is death.)
• He is the LORD our God; His judgments are in all [kol] the earth [erets]. (1 Chronicles 16:14) (Judgments are done against people, not the planet)
• Sing to the LORD, all [kol] the earth [erets]; Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day. (1 Chronicles 16:23) (The people sing, not the planet)
• Tremble before Him, all [kol] the earth [erets]; Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved. (1 Chronicles 16:30) (This does not refer to earthquakes!)
• Let all [kol] the earth [erets] fear the LORD; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. (Psalm 33:8) (People, not planets, fear the Lord)
• For the choir director. A Song. A Psalm.) Shout joyfully to God, all the earth; (Psalm 66:1) (People shout, not the earth)
• “All the earth will worship Thee, and will sing praises to Thee; they will sing praises to Thy name.” Selah. (Psalm 66:4) (People worship, not the earth)
• Sing to the LORD a new song; Sing to the LORD, all [kol] the earth [erets]. (Psalm 96:1) (People sing, not the earth)
• Worship the LORD in holy attire; Tremble before Him, all [kol] the earth [erets]. (Psalm 96:9) (People worship, not the earth)
• Shout joyfully to the LORD, all [kol] the earth [erets]; Break forth and sing for joy and sing praises. (Psalm 98:4) (People shout, not the earth)
• (A Psalm for Thanksgiving.) Shout joyfully to the LORD, all [kol] the earth [erets]. (Psalm 100:1) (People shout, not the earth)
• He is the LORD our God; His judgments are in all [kol] the earth [erets]. (Psalm 105:7) (Judgments are done against people, not the planet)
• “The whole [kol] earth [erets] is at rest and is quiet; they break forth into shouts of joy. (Isaiah 14:7) (People shout, not the earth)

The “whole earth” usually refers to local geography
Examples of where kol erets refers to a local area include the following verses:
• “Is not the whole [kol] land [erets] before you? Please separate from me: if to the left, then I will go to the right; or if to the right, then I will go to the left.” (Genesis 13:9) (The “whole land” was only the land of Canaan)
• And the people of all [kol] the earth [erets] came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was severe in all the earth. (Genesis 41:57) (The people from the Americas or other parts of the earth did not go to Egypt)
• Then God said, “Behold, I am going to make a covenant. Before all your people I will perform miracles, which have not been produced in all [kol] the earth [erets], nor among any of the nations; and all the people among whom you live will see the working of the LORD, for it is a fearful thing that I am going to perform with you. (Exodus 34:10) (There would be no need to add “nor among any of the nations” if “all the earth” referred to the entire planet.)
• ‘You shall then sound a ram’s horn abroad on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the day of atonement you shall sound a horn all [kol] through your land [erets]. (Leviticus 25:9) (The Hebrews were not required to sound a horn throughout the entire earth or is it?)
• ‘Thus for every [kol] piece [erets] of your property, you are to provide for the redemption of the land. (Leviticus 25:24) (The law does not apply only to those who own the entire earth)
• behold, I will put a fleece of wool on the threshing floor. If there is dew on the fleece only, and it is dry on all [kol] the ground [erets], then I will know that Thou wilt deliver Israel through me, as Thou hast spoken.” (Judges 6:37, see also 6:39-40) (kol erets could not refer to the entire earth, since it would not be possible for Gideon to check the entire earth)
• And Jonathan smote the garrison of the Philistines that was in Geba, and the Philistines heard of it. Then Saul blew the trumpet throughout [kol] the land [erets], saying, “Let the Hebrews hear.” (1 Samuel 13:3) (Obviously, Saul could not have blown a trumpet loud enough to be heard throughout the entire earth)
• For the battle there was spread over the whole [kol] countryside [erets], and the forest devoured more people that day than the sword devoured. (2 Samuel 18:8) (No, the battle did not take place over the entire earth.)
• So when they had gone about through the whole [kol] land [erets], they came to Jerusalem at the end of nine months and twenty days. (2 Samuel 24:8) (No they didn’t go through the entire earth, just the lands of Palestine.)
• And all [kol] the earth [erets] was seeking the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart. (1 Kings 10:24) (It is unlikely that the Native Americans went to see Solomon.)
• Then the fame of David went out into all [kol] the lands [erets]; and the LORD brought the fear of him on all the nations. (1 Chronicles 14:17) (It is unlikely that the Native Americans knew about David.)
• And David said, “My son Solomon is young and inexperienced, and the house that is to be built for the LORD shall be exceedingly magnificent, famous and glorious throughout all [kol] lands [erets]. (1 Chronicles 22:5) (The temple was famous to all the lands in the Middle East, but was destroyed before the advent of globalism.)
• And they were bringing horses for Solomon from Egypt and from all [kol] countries [erets]. (2 Chronicles 9:28) (It is unlikely that the Chinese brought horses to Solomon)
As can be seen above, in the majority of instances kol erets does not refer to the entire planet earth. In fact, of the 205 instance of kol erets in the Old Testament, it might refer to the entire planet just 40 times,9 and even some of those are questionable. About half of those instances occur in the books of Psalms and Isaiah. The Genesis flood narrative also uses the phrase “the face of the earth.” This is the exact phrase used by Cain when he was banished by God (Genesis 4:14). Are we to think that Cain was banished to outer space? In addition, the flood narrative says, “the water increased and lifted up the ark, so that it rose above the earth” (Genesis 7:17). If “earth” really refers to the planet, this text would imply that the ark somehow levitated above the planet. Obviously, “earth” refers to the local land on which the ark was sitting, and not to planet earth.

Truth cannot be validated by ignorance.


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